
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


20:1And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge.
20:2Thys shalt thou saye to the chyldren of Israel, whosoeuer he be of the chyldren of Israel or of the straungers that dwell in Israel, that geueth of his seed vnto. Moloch, let him be slayne: the people of the lande shall stone hym.
20:3And I wyll sett my face agaynst that man, and wyll destroye hym from amonge his people: because he hath geuen of hys seed vnto Moloch, for to defyle my sanctuary, and to polute my holy name.
20:4And though that the people of the lande hyde their eyes from the man that geueth of hys seed vnto Moloch, and kyll hym not:
20:5I wyll put my face agaynst that man, and agaynst hys kynred, and wyll destroye hym, and all that goo a whorynge after him to commyt whordome with Moloch, from amonge their people.
20:6If a soule turne hym selfe after such as worke wyth spretes, and after sothsayers, to goo a whorynge after them, I wyll put my face agaynst that soule, & wyll destroye hym from amonge hys people.
20:7Sanctifye youre selues therfore and be holye, for I am the Lorde youre God,
20:8kepe ye myne ordinaunces, and doo them. I am the Lorde which doth sanctifye you.
20:9Whosoeuer he be, that curseth his father or hys mother, let hym dye: for he hath cursed hys father and mother, hys bloude be vpon him.
20:10And the man that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wyfe: euen he that breketh wedlocke wt hys neyghbours wyfe let him be slayne, both the aduoutrer and the aduoutresse.
20:11And the man that lyeth with hys fathers wyfe, & vncouereth hys fathers secrettes, let them both dye, their bloude be vpon them.
20:12If a man lye with his daughter in lawe, let them dye both of them: they haue wrought abhominacion, their bloud be vpon them.
20:13If a man also lye wyth mankynde after the maner as wyth woman kynde, they haue both commytted an abhominacyon: let them dye. Their bloude be vpon them.
20:14And If a man take a wyfe and her mother also, it is wykednesse. They shall be burnt wyth fyre both he and she, that there be no wykednesse amonge you.
20:15And If a man lye wyth a beast, let hym dye, and ye shall slee the beast also.
20:16If a woman go vnto any beast, & lye downe therto: thou shalt kyll the woman and the beast also, let them dye, their bloude be vpon them.
20:17If a man take hys syster, hys fathers daughter or his mothers daughter, and se her secrettes and she his secrettes, it is a shamefull thinge. They shall perysh in the syghte of their people, he hath uncouered hys systers secrettes, he shall beare his synne.
20:18If a man lye with a woman hauynge her naturall dysease, and vncouer her secrettes, & open her fountayne, and she also open the fountayne of her bloude they shall both peryshe from amonge theyr people.
20:19Thou shalt not vncouer the secrettes of thy mothers syster nor of thy fathers syster, for he that doth so, hath vncouered hys nexte kyn: they shall beare theyr mysdoynge.
20:20If a man lye with hys vncles wyfe, and vncouer his vncles secrettes: they shall beare their synne, and shall dye chyldlesse.
20:21If a man take his brothers wyfe, it is an vncleane thynge, he hath vncouered his brothers secrettes, they shalbe chyldlesse.
20:22Ye shall kepe therfore all myne ordinaunces and all my iudgementes, and doo them: that the lande whether I brynge you to dwell therin, spewe you not out.
20:23Ye shall not walke in the maners of thys nacyon whyche I cast oute before you: For they comytted all these thynges, & therfore I abhorred them.
20:24But I haue sayde vnto you: ye shall enioye their lande, and I will geue it vnto you to possesse it, euen a lande that floweth with mylke & honye. I am the Lorde youre God, whyche haue separated you from other nacyons,
20:25and therfore shall ye put difference betwene cleane beastes & vncleane, betwene vncleane foules and cleane. Ye shall not defyle youre soules in beastes and foules, and in all maner crepynge thynges that the grounde bryngeth furth, whych I haue separated from you as vncleane.
20:26Therfore shall ye be holy vnto me, for I the Lorde am holy, and haue seuered you from other nacyons: that ye shulde be myne.
20:27If there be a man or woman that worketh wyth a spryte, or that is a sothsayer, let them dye. Men shall stone them wyth stones, their bloude be vpon them.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."