
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


21:1After these thynges, it chaunced, that Naboth the Iezrahelite had a vyneyarde in Iezrahel, harde by the palace of Ahab kyng of Samaria.
21:2And Ahab spake vnto Naboth, sayenge. Geue me thy vyneyarde, that I maye make me a garden of yerbes therof, because it lyeth so nye my house: & I will geue the for it a better vyneyarde then it is: or rather yf it please the, I will geue the, the worthe of it in money.
21:3And Naboth sayde to Ahab: the Lorde forbyd the from me, that I shulde geue the enheritaunce of my father vnto the.
21:4And Ahab came into hys house heuye. & euell a payde, because of the worde which Naboth the Iezrahelite had spoken to him, for he had sayde: I wyll not geue the the enheritaunce of my fathers. And he layde him downe vpon his bed, and turned awaye his face, and wolde eate no bread.
21:5But Iezabell hys wyfe came to him, and sayde vnto hym: why is thy sprete so waywarde, that thou eatest no breade?
21:6And he sayde vnto her: For I spake vnto Naboth the Iezraelite, and sayde vnto hym: geue me thy vyneyarde for money: or else yf it please the, I wyl geue the another vyneyarde for it. And he answered: I wyl not geue the my vyneyarde.
21:7And Iezabell his wyfe sayde vnto hym: Dost thou thus gouerne the kyngedom of Israel? vp, & eate bread, and set thyne hert at rest, I will geue the, the vyneyarde of Naboth the Iezraelite.
21:8And so she wrote a letter in Ahabs name, and sealed it wyth hys seale and sent the lettre vnto the elders and to the nobles that were in hys cytye dwellinge wyth Naboth.
21:9And she wrote in the letter, sayenge: proclayme a fast, and set Naboth on hye amonge the people,
21:10and set two vnthriftes before him, to beare witnesse agaynst him, sayenge: thou dydest blaspheme God and the kyng. And then carye hym out, and stone hym to deeth.
21:11And the men of his cyte: that is to saye, which dwelt in his cytie, did as Iezabel had sent vnto them, and as it was written in the letter whych she had sent vnto them.
21:12They proclamed fastyng, and set Naboth among the chefe of the people,
21:13& there came in two men (the children of Belial) and sate before him. And the two vnthriftie persones wytnessed agaynst Naboth, in the presence of the people, sayeng: Naboth dyd blaspheme God and the kyng, And they caried hym out of the cytie, and stoned hym wyth stones that he dyed.
21:14And then they sent to Iezabel, sayenge: Naboth is stoned to dethe.
21:15And it fortuned when Iezabel heard that Naboth was stoned to deeth: she sayde to Ahab: vp, and take possession of the vyneyarde of Naboth, the Iezrahelite, which he denied to geue the for money, for Naboth is not aliue, but deed.
21:16And when Ahab hearde that Naboth was deed, he stode vp to go downe to the vyneyarde of Naboth the Iezrahelite, and to take possession of it.
21:17And the worde of the Lorde came vnto Elia the Thesbite, sayeng:
21:18vp and go downe to mete Ahab kynge of Israel, which is in Samaria. For lo, he is gone downe to the vineyarde of Naboth: to take possession of it.
21:19And therfore shalt thou saye vnto him thus sayth the Lorde: hast thou kylled, & gotten possession? And thou shalt speake vnto him sayeng: thus sayth the Lorde in the place where dogges lycked the bloud of Naboth, shall dogges licke euen thy bloud also.
21:20And Ahab sayde to Elia: hast thou founde me, o thou myne enemye? He answered: I haue founde the: for thou art euen solde to worcke wickednesse in the syght of the Lorde.
21:21Beholde, I will bring euell vpon the, and will make cleane riddance of thy posterite & wil destroye from Ahab, euen him that maketh water agaynst the wall, & him that is shut vp & left behynde in Israel:
21:22& will make thyne house, lyke the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, & lyke the house of Baasa the sonne of Ahia, for the prouocacion, wherwith thou hast prouoked, and made Israel to synne.
21:23And of Iezabel spake the Lorde sayeng: dogges shall eate Iezabell, in the possession of Iezrahel.
21:24And he that dyeth of Ahab in the towne, him shal dogges eate: & he that dyeth in the feldes, him shal the foules of the ayre eate.
21:25But there was none lyke Ahab which dyd euen sell hym selfe, to worcke wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde, and that because Iezabel hys wyfe prycked hym forwarde.
21:26He dyd exceadynge abhominablye, in folowyng foule Idoles, according to all thynges, as did the Ammorites whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.
21:27And it fortuned, that when Ahab hearde those wordes, he rent hys clothes, and put sackecloth about his flesh, and fasted, and laye in sack and went bare fote.
21:28And the worde of the Lorde came to Elia, the Thesbyte, sayenge:
21:29seest thou how Ahab humbleth hym selfe before me? because he so submytteth hym selfe before me, I wyl not bringe that euell in his dayes: but in his sonnes dayes, wyll I bringe euell vpon hys house.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."