Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
19:1 | And Ahab tolde Iezabel, all that Elia had done, and howe he had slayne all the prophetes wyth the swerde. |
19:2 | Then Iezabel sent a messenger vnto Elia, sayenge: so & so let the goddes do to me, yf I make not thy soule lyke one of theyrs, by to morowe thys tyme. |
19:3 | When he sawe that, he arose & went for his lyfe and came to Beerseba in Iuda, & left his seruaunt there. |
19:4 | But he hym selfe went a dayes iourney into the wyldernesse, and came and satt downe vnder a Iuniper tree, and desyred for his soule; that he myght dye, and sayde, it is nowe ynough (O Lorde) take my soule, for I am not better then my fathers. |
19:5 | And as he laye and slepte vnder the Iuniper tree: beholde, an Angell touched hym, and sayde vnto hym: vp, and eate. |
19:6 | And whan he loked aboute hym: beholde, there was a loaffe of broyled breade & a vessell of water at his heed. And he dyd eate and drincke, and layde him downe agayne to slepe. |
19:7 | And the Angell of the Lorde came agayne the seconde tyme, and touched him, and sayde: vp, and eate, for thou hast yet a great iourneye. |
19:8 | And he arose, and dyd eate and dryncke, and walked in the strength of that meate fourtye dayes & fourtye nyghtes, euen vnto Horeb the mount of God. |
19:9 | Whan he came thether into a caue, he lodged there in, all nyght. And beholde, the worde of the Lorde came to him & sayde vnto hym: what doest thou here Elia? |
19:10 | And he answered. I haue bene gelous for the Lorde God of Hostes sake. For the chyldren of Israel haue forsaken thy couenant, broken downe thyne aulters and slayne thy prophetes with the swerde, and I onlye am lefte, and they seke my lyfe to take it awaye. |
19:11 | And he sayde: come out & stande vpon the mount, before the Lord. And beholde the Lorde went by, & a myghtie stronge wynde that rent the mountaynes & brake the rockes before the Lorde. But the Lorde was not in the wynde. And after the winde came an erth quake. But the Lorde was not in the erthe quake. |
19:12 | And after the erthe quake, came fire: but the Lord was not in the fyre. And after the fyre, came a small styll voyce. |
19:13 | And when Elia hearde it, he couered his face with hys mantle, & went out & stode in the entringe in of the caue. And beholde, there came a voyce vnto him, & sayd. what doest thou here Elia? |
19:14 | And he answered. I haue bene gelouse for the Lorde God of Hostes sake: because the chyldren of Israel haue forsaken thy couenaunt, cast downe thyne aulters, & slayne thy prophetes with the swerde, & I only am lefte, & they seke my lyfe to take it awaye. |
19:15 | And the Lorde sayde vnto him: go & turne thy waye to the wildernesse vnto Damasco, that thou mayest annoynte Hazael, kynge ouer Siria. |
19:16 | And Iehu the sonne of Nimsi, shalt thou annoynte kyng ouer Israel. And Elysa the sonne of Saphat of Abel Meholoh shalt thou annoynte to be prophete in thy rowme. |
19:17 | And it shall come to passe that whoso escapeth the swerde of Hazael, hym shall Iehu slaye: and yf any man scape the swerde of Iehu, hym shall Elisa put to death. |
19:18 | And therto I haue lefte me seuen thousande in Israel, of whych neuer man bowed his knees vnto Baal, nor kyssed him wyth hys mouthe. |
19:19 | So he departed thence, & founde Elisa the sonne of Saphat plowyng, & hauyng twelue yocke of oxen before him, & he wt the twelue. And Elia went by him, & cast his mantell vpon him. |
19:20 | And he lefte the oxen, & ranne after Elia & sayde: let me I praye the, kysse my father & my mother, & then I will folow the. He sayd vnto him: go backe agayne, for what is it, that I haue done to the? |
19:21 | And whan he went backe agayne from him, he toke a couple of oxen, & slue them, and dressed the fleshe wyth the instrumentes of the oxen, & gaue vnto the people, and they dyd eate. And then he arose, & went after Elia, and mynistred vnto hym. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."