Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
2:1 | I lyfte vp myne eyes agayne, & loked, and beholde, a man wyth a measure lyne in his hand. |
2:2 | Then sayde I: whether goest thou? And he sayde vnto me: To measure Ierusalem, that I maye se howe longe & howe broade it is. |
2:3 | And beholde, the aungell that talked with me, wente hys way forthe. Then wente there oute another aungell to mete him |
2:4 | and sayde vnto hym: Runne, speake to thys younge man, and saye: Ierusalem shall be inhabyted wythoute anye wall, for the verye multytude of people and catell, that shal be therein |
2:5 | Yea I my selfe (sayeth the Lorde) wil be vnto her a wall of fyre rounde aboute, and wilbe honoured in her. |
2:6 | O get you forthe, O fle from the lande of the northe, sayeth the Lorde, ye whom I haue scatred into the foure wyndes vnder heauen, sayeth the Lorde. |
2:7 | Saue thy selfe, O Syon: thou that dwellest with the doughter of Babylon, |
2:8 | for thus sayeth the Lorde of hostes: Wyth a gloryous power hath he sent me out to the Heathen, which spoyled you: for who so toucheth you, shal touche the aple of his owne eye. |
2:9 | Beholde, I wyl lyfte vp myne hande ouer them, so that they shall be spoyled of those, whiche afore serued them: and ye shall knowe that the Lorde of hostes hath sente me. |
2:10 | Be glad, and reioyce, O doughter of Sion: for lo, I am come to dwell in the myddeste of the, sayeth the Lord. |
2:11 | At the same tyme there shall manye Heathen cleue to the Lorde, and shall be my people. Thus wyll I dwell in the myddest of the, & thou shalte knowe, that the Lorde of hostes hathe sente me vnto the. |
2:12 | The Lorde shall haue Iuda in possessyon for hys parte in the holye grounde, and shall chose Ierusalem yet agayne. |
2:13 | Let all fleshe be styll before the Lorde, for he is rysen oute of hys holy place. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.