Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
7:1 | And the Pharyses came together vnto hym, & dyuers of the Scrybes whych came from Ierusalem. |
7:2 | And when they sawe certaine of his discyples eate bread wyth commen (that is to saye, with vnwesshen) handes, they complayned. |
7:3 | For the Pharyses and all the Iewes, excepte they wasshe theyr handes ofte, eate not, obseruyng the tradicyons of the elders. |
7:4 | And when they come from the market, except they washe, they eate not. And many other thynges there be, which they haue taken vpon them to obserue, as the wasshynge of cuppes and cruses, and, brasen vessels, and of tables. |
7:5 | Then asked hym the Pharyses & Scribes: why walke not thy dyscyples accordyng to the custome, ordeyned by the elders, but eate bread wyth vnwasshen handes? |
7:6 | He answered & sayd vnto them: well prophesyed Esayas of you, ypocrytes, as it is wrytten: Thys people honoreth me wyth theyr lyppes, but theyr herte is farre from me: |
7:7 | howbeit, in vayne do they serue me, teachyng the doctrines and commaundementes of men. |
7:8 | For ye laye the commaundement of God a parte, & obserue the constitucyons of men, as the wesshinge of cruses & of cuppes, and many other soch lyke thynges ye do. |
7:9 | And he sayde vnto them: well, ye cast a syde the commaundement of God, to mayntayne youre awne constitucyons. |
7:10 | For Moses sayd: honoure thy father & thy mother: & whoso curseth father or mother, let him dye the death. |
7:11 | But ye saye: a man shall saye to father or mother, Corban: whych is: what gyfte soeuer commeth fro me, shalbe for thy profyt. |
7:12 | And so ye suffre him no more to do ought for hys father or his mother, |
7:13 | and make the worde of God of none effecte, through youre awne constitucyon whych ye haue ordeyned. And many soche thynges do ye. |
7:14 | And whan he had called all the people vnto hym, he sayde vnto them: herken vnto me, euery one of you, and vnderstande. |
7:15 | There is nothynge wyth out a man that can defyle him, when it entreth into him: but the thynges whych proceade out of a man, those are they that defyle the man. |
7:16 | If eny man haue eares to heare, let hym heare. |
7:17 | And when he came in to the house awaye from the people, his discyples asked him of the symilitude. |
7:18 | And he sayd vnto them: are ye also so greatly wyth out vnderstandinge? Do ye not yet perceaue, that what soeuer thynge from wtout, entreth into a man, it cannot defyle him, |
7:19 | because it entreth not into his hert but into the bely: & goeth out into the draught, pourgyng out all meates? |
7:20 | And he sayde: that whych commeth out of a man |
7:21 | defyleth the man. For from wyth in, euen out of the herte of men proceade euyll thoughtes, aduoutry, fornicacyon, murther, |
7:22 | theft, couetousnes, fraude, deceyte, vnclennes, a wycked eye, blasphemyes, pryde, folyshnes: |
7:23 | all these euyll thynges come from wt in, and defyle a man. |
7:24 | And from thence he rose, & went into the borders of Tyre & Sidon: & entred into an house, & wolde that no man shuld haue knowen. But he coulde not be hyd. |
7:25 | For a certayne woman (whose daughter had a foule sprete) as soone as she heard of hym, came, and fell at hys fete. |
7:26 | The woman was a Greke out of the nacyon of Syrophenicia, & she besought him, that he wolde cast out the deuyl from her daughter. |
7:27 | But Iesus sayd vnto her: let the chyldren fyrst be fedd. For it is not mete, to take the chyldrens bread, and to cast it vnto whelpes. |
7:28 | She answered & sayde vnto hym: euen so lorde, neuerthelesse, the whelpes also eat vnder the table of the chyldrens cromes. |
7:29 | And he sayde vnto her: for thys sayinge go thy waye, the deuyl is gone out of thy daughter. |
7:30 | And when she was come home to her house, she founde that the deuyll was departed, and her daughter lyinge on the bedd. |
7:31 | And he departed agayne from the coastes of Tyre and Sidon, and came vnto the see of Galile thorow the myddes of the coastes of the ten cyties. |
7:32 | And they broughte vnto him one that was deaffe and had an impediment in hys speche, and they prayd hym to put his hande vpon him. |
7:33 | And when he had taken hym asyde from the people, he put hys fyngers into hys eares, and dyd spyt, & touched hys tonge, |
7:34 | and loked vp to heauen, and syghed, and sayde vnto hym: Ephata, that is to saye, be opened. |
7:35 | And strayght waye his eares were opened, and the stryng of his tounge was lowsed, and he spake playne. |
7:36 | And he commaunded them, that they shulde tell no man. But the more he forbad them, so moch the more a greate deale they publisshed, |
7:37 | saying: He hath done all thynges well, he hath made both the deaffe to heare, and the dome to speake. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."