Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
4:1 | And he began agayne, to teach by the see syde. And there gathered together vnto him moch people, so greatly that he entred into a ship, and sat in the see, and all the people was by the see syde on the shore. |
4:2 | And he taught them many thinges by parables, and sayde vnto them in his doctrine? |
4:3 | Herken to: beholde, there went out a sower to sowe. |
4:4 | And it fortuned as he sowed, that some fell by the waye syde, and the fowles of the ayre came, and deuoured it vp: |
4:5 | Some fell on stony grounde where it had not moch erth: and immediatly sprange vp, because it had not deepth of erth: |
4:6 | but as sone as the sonne was vp, it caught heat: & because it had not rotynge, it wyddred awaye. |
4:7 | And some fell amonge thornes, & the thornes grew vp, and choked it, and it gaue no frute. |
4:8 | And some fel vpon good grounde, and dyd yelde frute that sprong vp, and grewe, and brought forth, some thyrty folde, and some syxtye folde, and some an hundred folde. |
4:9 | And he sayde vnto them: he that hath eares to heare let him heare. |
4:10 | And when he was alone, they that were aboute hym wyth the twelue asked hym of the parable. |
4:11 | And he sayde vnto them. To you is it geuen to knowe the mystery of the kyngdome of God. But vnto them that are with out, all thinges happen by parables: |
4:12 | that when they se, they maye se, and not discerne, and when they heare, they maye heare, and not vnderstande: lest at any tyme they shulde turne, and their synnes shuld be forgeuen them. |
4:13 | And he sayde vnto them: Knowe ye not this parable? and how then wyll ye knowe all other parables? |
4:14 | The sower soweth the worde. |
4:15 | And they (wherof some be rehearsed to be by the waye syde) are those, where the worde is sowen: And whan they heare, Sathan cometh immediatly, and taketh awaye the worde that was sowen in theyr hertes. |
4:16 | And lyke wyse the other that receaue sede in to the stonye grounde, are they: whych when they heare the worde, at once receaue it wt gladnes, |
4:17 | yet haue no rote in them selues, and so endure but a tyme: and anone whan trouble & persecucyon aryseth for the wordes sake, they fall immediatly. |
4:18 | There be other also that receaue sede into thornes and those are soche as heare the worde, |
4:19 | & the cares of this worlde, and the disseytfulnes of ryches and the lustes of other thinges, entre in and choke the worde, and it is made vnfrutfull: |
4:20 | and other ther be, that haue receaued sede into a good ground: they are soche that heare the worde, and receaue it, so that one corne doth brynge forth thyrty, some syxty, some an hundred. |
4:21 | And he sayde vnto them: is the candle lyghted, to be put vnder a bushell, or vnder the table? Is it not lyghted to be put on a candelstyk? |
4:22 | For there is nothynge so preuy, that shall not be opened: nether hath it bene so secret, but that it shall come abroade. |
4:23 | If eny man haue eares to heare, let him heare. |
4:24 | And he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare: With what measure ye meete, with the same shall other men measure vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare, shall more be geuen. |
4:25 | For vnto him that hath, shall it be geuen, and from him that hath not, shalbe taken awaye, euen that which he hath. |
4:26 | And he sayde: so is the kyngdome of God, euen as yf a man shuld sowe sede in the grounde |
4:27 | and shulde slepe, and ryse vp nyght and daye: and the sede shuld sprynge and growe vp, while he is not aware. |
4:28 | For the earth bryngeth forth frute of her selfe: fyrst the blade, then the eare, after that the full corne in the eare. |
4:29 | But whan the frute is brought forth, anone he throusteth in the sykell, because the heruest is come. |
4:30 | And he sayde: where vnto shall we lyken the kyngdome of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? |
4:31 | It is lyke a grayne of mustarst seed: whych when it is sowen in the earth, is lesse then all seedes that be in the earth: |
4:32 | whan it is sowen, it groweth vp, and is greater then all herbes: and beareth greate braunches, so that the fowles of the ayre maye make their nestes vnder the shadow of it. |
4:33 | And with many soche parables spake he the worde vnto them, after as they myght heare it. |
4:34 | But wyth out parable spake he nothynge vnto them. But when they were alone, he expounded all thynges to his discyples. |
4:35 | And the same daye when euen was come, he sayde vnto them: let vs passe ouer vnto the other syde, |
4:36 | And they lefte the people, & toke him euen as he was in the ship. And ther were also wyth hym other shippes. |
4:37 | And ther arose a great storme of wynde, & the waues dashed in to the ship, so that it was now full. |
4:38 | And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awake him, & saye vnto hym: Master, carest thou not, that we perishe? |
4:39 | And he rose vp, and rebuked the wynde, and sayde vnto the see: peace, be styll. And the wynde ceassed, and ther folowed a greate calme. |
4:40 | And he sayde vnto them: why are ye so fearfull? How happeneth it, that ye haue no fayth? |
4:41 | And they feared exceadingly, and sayde one to another: who is thys? For both wynde and see obeye hym. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."