Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
77:1 | To the Chaunter, for Ieduthun a Psalme of Asaph. I Wyll crye vnto God wt my voyce, euen vnto God wyll I crye wyth my voyce, and he shall herken vnto me. |
77:2 | In the tyme of my trouble I sought the Lorde: my sore ranne and ceassed not in the nyght ceason: my soule refused comforte. |
77:3 | When I am in heuynesse, I wyll thynke vpon God: when my hert is vexed, I wyll complayne. Sela. |
77:4 | Thou holdest myne eyes wakynge, I am so feble, that I cannot speake. |
77:5 | I haue consydred the dayes of olde, and the yeares that are past. |
77:6 | I call to remembraunce my songe: and in the nyght I commune with myne awne hert, and search out my spretes. |
77:7 | Wyll the Lord absent him selfe for euer? And will he be no more intreated? |
77:8 | Is hys mercy clene gone for euer? And is hys promyse come vtterly to an ende for euermore? |
77:9 | Hath God forgotten to be gracyous? And wyll he shutt vp hys louynge kyndnesse in dyspleasure? Sela. |
77:10 | And I sayde: It is myne awne infirmyte: But I wyll remembre the yeares of the ryght hande of the moost hyest. |
77:11 | I wyll remembre the worckes of the Lorde, and call to mynde thy wonders of olde tyme. |
77:12 | I will thynke also of all thy worckes, and my talkynge shalbe of thy doynges. |
77:13 | Thy waye, O God, is holy: who is so greate a God as God? |
77:14 | Thou art the God that doth wonders, and hast declared thy power among people. |
77:15 | Thou hast myghtely delyuered thy people, euen the sonnes of Iacob and Ioseph. Sela. |
77:16 | The waters sawe the, O God, the waters sawe the, & were afrayed: the deapthes also were troubled. |
77:17 | The cloudes poured out water, the ayer thondered, & thyne arowes went abroade. |
77:18 | The voyce of thy thonder was hearde rounde aboute, the lyghtenynges shone vpon the grounde, the earth was moued and shoke wythall |
77:19 | Thy waye is in the see, and thy pathes in the greate waters, and thy fotesteppes are not knowne. |
77:20 | Thou leddest thy people lyke shepe, by the hande of Moses and Aaron. |
The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."