
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


50:1A Psalme of Asaph. The Lorde euen the most myghtye God hath spoken, and called the world from the rysyng vp of the sonne vnto the goyng downe therof.
50:2Out of Syon hath God apeared in perfecte bewtye.
50:3Oure God shall come, and shall not kepe sylence: there shall go before hym a consumynge fyre, and a myghtye tempest shalbe stered vp rounde aboute hym.
50:4He shall call the heauen from aboue, and the earth, that he maye iudge hys people.
50:5Gather my saynctes together vnto me, those that haue made a couenaunt with me, wyth sacrifyce.
50:6And the heauens shall declare hys ryghteousnesse, for God is iudge hym selfe. Sela.
50:7Heare, O my people: and I wyll speake, I my selfe will testifye agaynst the, O Israel, For I am God, euen thy God.
50:8I wyll not reproue the because of thy sacryfyces, or for thy burntoffrynges, because they were not allwaye before me.
50:9I wyll take no bullock out of thy house, ner he goates out of thy foldes.
50:10For all the beastes of the forest are myne, & so are the catell vpon a thousande hylles.
50:11I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes, & the wylde beastes of the feld are in my syght.
50:12If I be hongrye I wyll not tell the: for the whole worlde is myne, and all that therin is.
50:13Thinkest thou, that I wyll eat bulles flesh and drincke the bloud of goates?
50:14Offre vnto God thanckesgeuynge, and paye thy vowes vnto the most hyest.
50:15And call vpon me in the tyme of trouble, so wyll I heare the, and thou shalt prayse me.
50:16But vnto the vngodly sayed God. Why doest thou preach my lawes, & takest my couenaunt in thy mouth?
50:17Where as thou hatest to be refourmed, & hast cast my wordes behynd the?
50:18Whan thou sawest a thefe, thou consentedest vnto hym, and hast bene partaker wyth the aduouterers.
50:19Thou hast let thy mouth speake wickednesse, and with thy tong thou hast set forth disceat.
50:20Thou sattest and spakest agaynst thy brother, yee, & hast sclaundred thine awne mothers sonne.
50:21These thynges hast thou done, & I helde my tonge: & thou thoughtest that I am euen soch a one as thy selfe: but I wyll reproue the, and set before the, the thinges that thou hast done.
50:22O consydre this, ye that forget God: lest I plucke you awaye, and there be none to delyuer you.
50:23Who so offreth me thanckes and prayse, he honoureth me: and to hym that ordreth hys conuersacyon ryght wyll I shewe the saluacyon of God.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."