
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


2:1These are the chyldren of the lande that went vp oute of the captyuite (whom Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon had caryed awaye vnto Babylon) and came agayne vnto Ierusalem, and into Iuda, euery one vnto hys cytie.
2:2They that came with Zorobabell are these. Iesua, Nehemiah, Saraia, Raelaia Mardochai, Bilsan, Mispar, Biguai, Rehum, Baana. Thys is the nombre of the men of the people of Israel.
2:3The children of Phares, two thousand, an hundred, and two and seuentye:
2:4the chyldren of Saphatia, thre hundred, and two and seuenty:
2:5the chyldren of Arath, seuen hundred, and fyue and seuenty:
2:6the chyldren of the captayne of Moab among the chyldren of Iesua and Ioab, two thousande, eyght hundred and twelue:
2:7the chyldren of Elam, a thousande, two hundred, and foure and fyftye:
2:8the chyldren of Zathu, nyne hundred, and fyue and fourtye:
2:9the chyldren Zaccai, seuen hundred, and thre score:
2:10the children of Bani, syxe hundred, and two and fourty:
2:11the chyldren of Bebai, syxe hundred and thre and twentye:
2:12the chyldren of Asgad, a thousand, two hundred, and two and twenty:
2:13the chyldren of Adonicam, syx hundred, and syxe and syxty:
2:14the chyldren of Beguai, two thousande, and syx and fyfty:
2:15the chyldren of Adin, foure hondred and foure & fyfty:
2:16the chyldren of Ater of Hezekia, eyght and nyntye:
2:17the chyldren of Bezai, thre hundred, and thre and twentye:
2:18the chyldren of Iora, an hundred and twelue:
2:19the chyldren of Hasum, two hundred, and thre and twentye:
2:20the chyldren of Gebar, fyue and nyntye:
2:21the chydren of Bethlehem, an hundred and thre and twentye:
2:22the men of Netopha, syxe and fyftye:
2:23the men of Anathoth, an hundred, and eyght and twentye:
2:24the chyldren of Asmaueth, two and fourty:
2:25the chyldren of Kyriath Iarim, euen the chyldren of Cephira and Beeroth, seuen hundred and thre and fourty:
2:26the children of Harama and Geba, syx hundred, and one and twenty:
2:27the men of Michmas, an hundred, and two and twentye:
2:28the men of Bethell and Hai, two hundred, and thre and twenty:
2:29the children of Nebo, two and fyfty:
2:30the chyldren of Magbis, an hundred, and syxe and fyftye:
2:31the children of the other Elam, a thousande, & two hundred, and foure and fyfty:
2:32the chyldren of Harym, the hundred and twentye:
2:33the chyldren of Lodhadid and Ono, seuen hundred, and fyue and twentye:
2:34the chyldren of Iericho, thre hundred, and fyue and fourtye:
2:35the children of Senaa, thre thousand, syxe hundred and thyrtye.
2:36The prestes of the chyldren of Iedaia of the house of Iesua, nyne hundred, and thre & seventye:
2:37the children of Immer, a thousand and two and fyfty:
2:38the children of Phashur, a thousande, two hundred, and seuen and fourtye:
2:39the children of Harim, a thousande, and seuentene.
2:40The leuites. The children of Iesua, and Cadmiel of the children of Hodauia, foure & seuentye.
2:41The syngers, the children of Asaph, an hundred, and eyght & twentye.
2:42The children of the dore keper. The children of Sallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akub, the children of Hatita, the children of Sobai: all togeather an hundred, and nyne and thyrtye.
2:43The Nethinims, the children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tabaoth,
2:44the children of Ceros, the children of Sicha, the children of Padon,
2:45the chyldren of Lebanaa, the children of Hagabh, the chyldren of Akub,
2:46the chyldren of Hagab, the chyldren of Samlai, the chyldren of Hanan,
2:47the children of Giddel, the chyldren of Gahar, the chyldren of Reaia,
2:48the chyldren of Razin, the chyldren of Necoda, the chyldren of Gasam,
2:49the chyldren of Usa, the chyldren of Passeah: the chyldren of Bessai,
2:50the chyldren of Asna, the chyldren of Mehunim, the chyldren of Nephussim,
2:51the chyldren of Bacbuc, the chyldren of Hacuba, the chyldren of Harhur,
2:52the chyldren of Bazluth, the children of Mehira, the chyldren of Harsa,
2:53the chyldren of Barcom, the chyldren of Sisara, the chyldren of Thamah,
2:54the chyldren of Neziah, the chyldren of Hatipha.
2:55The chyldren of Salomons seruauntes, the chyldren of Sotai, the chyldren of Sophereth, the chyldren of Peruda,
2:56the chyldren of Iaala, the children of Darcon, the chyldren of Giddel,
2:57the chyldren of Sephatiah, the children of Hattil, the children of Pochereth Hazbaim, the chyldren of Ami.
2:58All the Nethinims and the chyldren of Salomons seruauntes, were all together, thre hundred and two and nyntye.
2:59And these went vp from, Thelmelah, and from Thelharsa, Cherub, Addon and Immer. But they coulde not discerne theyr fathers house and theyr sede, whether they were of Israel.
2:60The children of Delaia, the chyldren of Tobia, the chyldren of Necoda, syxe hundred and two and fyfty.
2:61And of the chyldren of the prestes. The chyldren of Hebaia, the chyldren of Hakoz, the chyldren of Berzilai, which toke one of the daughters of Berzilai the Gileadite to wyfe, and was called after theyr name:
2:62these sought theyr euidence amonge them that had the register of byrth, and were not founde therin, therfore were they put from the presthod.
2:63And Hathirsatha sayd vnto them, that they shuld not eate of the most holy, till ther rose vp a preste to weare Urim and Thumim.
2:64The whole congregacion together, was .xlij. thousand, thre hundred and threscore:
2:65besyde their seruauntes and maydens, of whom there were seuen thousand, thre hundred, and seuen and thyrtye. And there were amonge them two hundred syngynge men and wemen.
2:66Their horses were seuen hundred and syxe & thirty. Their mules, two hundred, and fyue and fourtye:
2:67and their camels, foure hundred and fyue and thirty. Theyr asses, syxe thousande, seuen hundred and twentye.
2:68And certayne of the chefe fathers, when they came because of the house of the Lorde at Ierusalem, they offered them selues wyllynge for the house of God, to sett in hys place,
2:69and gaue gold after their habilite vnto the treasure of the worcke, euen one and threscore thousande peces, and fyue thousande pounde of syluer, and an hundred prestes garmentes.
2:70So the prestes and the leuites, and a certayne of the people and the syngers, and the porters, and the Nethinims dwelt in their cyties, and all Israell in theyr cyties.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."