
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


5:1The prophetes, Aggeus and Zachary the sonne of Iddo, prophecied vnto the Iewes that were in Iuda and Ierusalem, in the name of the God of Israel.
5:2Then gat vp Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel, and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec, and beganne to buylde the house of God at Ierusalem, and with them were the prophetes of God, which helped them.
5:3At the same tyme came to them Tathnai which was captayne on thys syde the water, and Starbaznai, and their companyons, and sayde thus vnto them. Who hath commaunded you to buylde thys house, and to make vp these walles?
5:4Then tolde we them the names of the men, that made thys buyldynge.
5:5But the eye of their God was vpon the elders of the Iewes, that they coulde not cause them to ceasse, tyll the matter was brougth to Darius, and then they answered by letters ther vnto
5:6This is the copye of the letter, that Tathnai (which was captayne on thys syde the water) and Starbaznai, and the councellers of Apharsah (which were on this syde the water) sent vnto kyng Darius.
5:7And the matter that they sent vnto him, was written thus within the lettre: Unto Darius the kynge, all peace.
5:8Be it knowne vnto the kyng, that we went into the lande of Iewry to the house of the great God, which is buylded wt mighty greate stones, and beames are layed in the walles, and the worcke goeth fast forth, and prospereth in their handes.
5:9Then asked we the Elders, & sayde vnto them as it foloweth: Who commaunded you to buylde this house, & to make vp the walles therof?
5:10We asked their names also, that we might certifie the, and wryte the names of the men that were theyr rulers.
5:11But they answered vs with these wordes, and sayde. We are the seruauntes of him that is God of heauen and earth, and buylde the house that was buylded many yeres agoo which a greate kynge of Israel buylded, and set vp.
5:12But after that oure fathers had prouoked the God of heauen vnto wrath, he gaue them ouer into the hande of Nabuchodonozer the king of Babilon, & of the Caldees, which brake downe this house, and caried the people awaye captiue vnto Babilon.
5:13But in the fyrst yere of Cyrus the kyng of Babylon, the same kyng Cyrus gaue commaundement concernyng thys house of God, that it shulde be builded agayne.
5:14And the vesselles of golde & syluer of the house of God, which Nabuchodonozer toke out of the temple that was at Ierusalem, & brought them into the temple at Babilon, those dyd Cyrus the kynge take out of the temple at Babilon, and they were delyuered vnto one Sasbazar by name, whom he made captayne,
5:15and sayde vnto him. Take these vessels, and go thy waye, and sett them in the temple that is at Ierusalem, and lett the house of God be buylded in hys place.
5:16Then came the same Sasbazar, and layde the foundacyon of the house of God which is at Ierusalem. Sence that tyme also vntyll now hath it bene in buyldynge, and yet is it not fynished.
5:17Yf it please the kynge now therfore, lett there be searche made in the kynges library which is there at Babylon, whether it haue bene kyng Cyrus commaundement, that thys temple of God at Ierusalem shulde be buylded and let hym sende vs the kynges mynde concernynge the same matter.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."