
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


8:1These are the principall fathers of them, and this is their register that wente vp with me from Babilon, what tyme as kynge Arthaxerses raygned.
8:2Of the chyldren of Phinehes, Gersom: of the chyldren of Ithamar, Daniel: of the chyldren of Dauid, Hatus:
8:3of the chyldren of Zecania amonge the children of Pharos, Zachary, and with him were nombred an hundred and fyftie men.
8:4Of the chyldren of the captayne of Moab, Elioenai the sonne of Zerahia, and with him two hundred men.
8:5Of the children of Zechania the sonne of Iahasiel, and with him thre hundred men.
8:6Of the children of Adin, Abed the sonne of Ionathan, and with him fyftie men.
8:7Of the children of Elam, Isai the sonne of Athalia, and with him seuentie men.
8:8Of the children of Sapharia, Zebadia the sonne of Michael, and with hym foure score men.
8:9Of the children of Ioab, Obadia the sonne of Iehiel, and with hym two hundred and eyghtene men,
8:10Of the children of Selomith the sonne of Iosephia, and with him and hundred and thre score men.
8:11Of the children of Bebai, Zachary the sonne of Bebai, and with him eyght and twentie men.
8:12Of the children of Asgad, Iohanan, the sonne of Hakatan, and with him an hundred and ten men.
8:13Of the chyldren of Adonicam, that were the last, whose names were these: Eliphelet, Iehiel and Samaiah, and with them thre score men.
8:14Of the chyldren of Biguai, Uthai, and Zabud, and with them seuentie men.
8:15And I gathered them together by the water that renneth towarde Ahaua, and there abode we thre dayes. And I loked amonge the people and the preastes & founde there none of the children of Leui.
8:16Then sent I to Elieser, to Ariel, Semeia, Elnachan, Iarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zachary and to Mesullam the rulers, and to Ioiarib and Elnathan which were men of vnderstandyng,
8:17and to those gaue I commaundement vnto Iddo the chefest at Casphia, that they shulde fetch vs minysters for the house of oure God, and I tolde them what they shulde saye vnto Iddo, and to his brethren the Nethinims at Casphia.
8:18And (thorow the good hande of oure God vpon vs) they broughte vs a wyse man from amonge the children of Moholi the sonne of Leui, the sonne of Israel, and Sarabia with hys sonnes and his brethren, euen eyghtene.
8:19And Hasabia, and with him Isai of the chyldren of Merari, with his brethren and theyr sonnes, twentie.
8:20And of the Nethinims, whom Dauid & the Princes gaue to mynister vnto the Leuites, two hundred & twentye of Nethinims, which all were named by name.
8:21And euen there at the water, besyde Ahaua, I proclamed a fast, that we myghte humble oure selues before oure God, and seke of him a ryghte waye for vs, and for oure children and for all oure substaunce.
8:22For I was ashamed to requyre of the kynge, soudyers & horsmen, to helpe vs agaynst the enemy in the waye: but we sayd vnto the kynge: The hande of oure God is vpon all them that seke hym in goodnes, and hys violence and wrath is agaynst all them that forsake him.
8:23So we fasted, and be soughte oure God for this, and he hearde vs.
8:24And I toke out twelue of the chefe preastes, Sarabia and Hasabia, and ten of their brethren with them,
8:25and weyed them the syluer and golde, & vessels that were appoynted for the house of oure God, which the kynge and his councellers and his Lordes, and all Israell that were there at hande, had geuen together.
8:26And I weyed vnto their hande sixe hundred & fyftie talentes of syluer, & in syluer vessel an hundred talentes, & in golde an hundred talentes:
8:27twentie basens of golde of a thousande peces, and two costly ornamentes of good brasse, as cleare as golde:
8:28and I sayde vnto them: Ye are consecrate vnto the Lorde, lyke as the vessels are holy also, and the golde and syluer are geuen of a good wyll vnto the Lorde God of youre fathers.
8:29Watch ye, and kepe it: for ye shall weye it downe before the chefe preastes and Leuites, and auncient fathers of Israel at Ierusalem in the treasuries of the house of the Lord.
8:30Then toke the preastes and Leuites that weyed syluer and golde and vessel, to bringe it to Ierusalem, vnto the house of oure God.
8:31And we brake vp, from the water of Ahaua on the twelueth daye of the fyrst moneth, to go vnto Ierusalem: and the hande of oure God was vpon vs, and deliuered vs from the hande of the enemies, and of soch as layde wayte for vs by the waye.
8:32And we came to Ierusalem, and abode there thre dayes.
8:33But on the fourth daye was the syluer and golde and vessell weyed in the house of oure God, by the hande of Meremoth the sonne of Uria the preaste, and with hym was Eleazar the sonne of Phinehes, & with them was Iosabad the sonne of Iesua, and Noadia the sonne of Benoi the Leuites.
8:34According to the nombre and weyght of euery one, was the weyght all wrytten vp at the same tyme.
8:35And the children of the captiuite, which were come out of preson, offered burntofferynges vnto the God of Israel: twelue bullockes for all Israell, syxe and nynetye rammes, seuen and seuentie lambes, twelue hegoates for a synofferynge, all to the burntofferynge of the Lorde.
8:36And they delyuered the kynges commission vnto the kynges officers, & to the capitaynes that were on thys syde the water. And they promoted the people and the house of God.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."