Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
6:1 | Then commaunded kynge Darius, and they made search in the library, euen in the place where they layde vp the treasure at Babilon. |
6:2 | And there was founde in a coffer (in the place that is in the lande of the Medes) a volume: and ther in was it thus wrytten, and soche a memoriall: |
6:3 | In the fyrst yeare of kyng Cyrus, gaue the same kynge Cyrus commaundement concernynge the house of God at Ierusalem, that the same house shulde be buylded in the place where they offre the sacrifices, and to ioyne the walles together of threskore cubytes heygth, and threskore cubytes bredth. |
6:4 | Thre rowes of roughe stones, and one rowe of tymber, and the expences shalbe geuen of the kynges house. |
6:5 | And let the golde and syluer vessell of the house of God (which Nabuchodonozor toke out of the temple at Ierusalem, and brought vnto Babylon) be restored, and brought agayne vnto the temple at Ierusalem to their place in the house of God. |
6:6 | Get you farre from them therfore, thou Thahnai captayne beyonde the water, and Stharbuzanai, and youre councelers & Aphersechei, which are beyonde the water, get ye awaye from them. |
6:7 | Let the worcke of the house of this God alone, that the captayne of the Iewes and their Elders maye buylde the house of God in his place. |
6:8 | I haue commaunded what shalbe done to the Elders of Iuda for the buylding of the house of God, that there shalbe diligent hede taken of the kynges goodes, euen of the rentes beyonde the water, and geuen vnto the men, that they be not hyndred |
6:9 | And yf they haue nede of calues, rammes & lambes, for the burntofferynge of the God of heauen, wheate, salt, wyne and oyle, after the custome of the preastes at Ierusalem, let the same be geuen them daylie with out anye delaye, |
6:10 | that they maye offre swete sauoures vnto the God of heauen, and praye for the kynges lyfe, and for his chyldren. |
6:11 | And soch a commaundement haue I geuen that what man soeuer he be that altereth thys worde, there shall a beame be taken from hys house, and set vp, and he shalbe hanged theron, and his house shalbe made a donghyll for the same thynge, |
6:12 | And the God that set hys name there, destroye all kynges, & people, that put to their hande to alter & to breake downe the house of God which is at Ierusalem. I Darius haue commaunded, that this be done with spede. |
6:13 | Then Thathnai the captaine of the countrey beyonde the water, and Stharboznai with theyr councelers (to whom kynge Darius had sent) did their diligence: |
6:14 | And the Elders of the Iewes builded, and they prospered thorow the prophecienge of Aggeus the prophet and Zachary the sonne of Iddo: and they builded, and layed vp the foundacion, according to the commaundement of the God of Israell, and after the commaundement of Cyrus, and Darius & Arthaxerses kynges of Persia. |
6:15 | And the house was fynisshed the thyrde daye of the moneth Adar, euen in the syxte yere of the raygne of kynge Darius. |
6:16 | And the children of Israell, the preastes, the Leuites, and the other children of the captiuite helde the dedicacion of this house of God with ioye, |
6:17 | and offered at the dedicacion of this house of God, and hundred oxen, two hundred rammes, foure hundred goates: and for the reconcilinge of all Israel twelue he goates, accordynge to the nombre of the tribes of Israel, |
6:18 | & set the preastes in their sondry courses, & the Leuites in their diuerse offices to minister vnto God at Ierusalem, as it is written in the boke of Moses. |
6:19 | And the children of the captiuite helde Passeouer vpon the fourtenth daye of the fyrst moneth: |
6:20 | for the preastes and Leuytes were purified, so that they were all cleane together, and kylled Passeouer for all the children of the captiuite, and for their brethren the preastes, and for them selues. |
6:21 | And the children of Israel which were come agayne out of captiuite, and all soche as had separated them selues vnto them from the fylthynesse of the Heythen of the lande: to seke the Lorde God of Israel, did eate, |
6:22 | and helde the feast of vnleuened bread seuen dayes with ioye: for the Lorde had made them glad, and turned the hert of the kyng of Assur vnto them, to strengthen their handes in the worcke of the house of God, euen the God of Israel. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."