Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
7:1 | The sonnes of Isacar: Thola, Phua, Iasub, Simron, foure. |
7:2 | And the sonnes of Thola: Uzi, Rephaia, Ieriel, Iamai, Iebsam and Sehmuel, whych were heedes in the housholdes of theyr fathers of Thola, men of myghte theyr kynreddes: whose nombre was in the dayes of Dauid, two and twentye thousande and syxe hundred. |
7:3 | The sonnes of Uzi: Izrahia. The sonnes of Izrahia: Michael, Obadia, Ioel, and Iesiah, fyue men, all captaynes. |
7:4 | And wyth them, in theyr generacyons after the housholde of their fathers, were syxe and thyrtye thousande soudyers and valeaunt men of warre: For they had many wyues and sonnes. |
7:5 | And theyr brethren amonge all the kynreddes of Isacar were valeaunt men of warre rekoned in all: foure skore and seuen thousande. |
7:6 | The sonnes of BenIamin: Bela: Bether and Iediel: thre. |
7:7 | The sonnes of Bela: Ezbon, Uzi, Uziel, Ierimoth and Iri, fyue heedes of the housholde of theyr fathers, men of myghte, and were rekoned by the genealogies .xxij. thousande and .xxxiiij. |
7:8 | The sonnes of Becher: Zemira, Ioas, Eliezer, Elioenai, Omri, Ieremoth, Abia, Anathoth and Alamath. All these are the chyldren of Becher, |
7:9 | and the nombre of them after theyr genealogye and generacyons, and captaynes of the housholdes of their fathers men of myght, twentye thousande and two hundred. |
7:10 | The sonnes of Iediel: Bilhan. The sonnes of Bilhan: Ieus, BenIamin, Ehud and Canaana, Zethan, Tharsis and Ahilahar. |
7:11 | All these are the sonnes of Iediel, auncient heedes and men of warre .xvij. thousande and two hundred that went out harnessed to battell. |
7:12 | And Suppim and Hupim were the chyldren of Ir. And the Husites were the chyldren of Aher. |
7:13 | The sonnes of Nephthali: Iahziel, Guni, Iezer and Salum, the chyldren of Bilha. |
7:14 | The sonnes of Manasse: Azriel whom (hys wyfe) bare vnto hym: But Aramiah hys concubine bare Machir the father of Gilead. |
7:15 | And Machir toke wyues for Hupim & Supim. And the name of hys syster was Maaca. And the name of another sonne was Zelophahad And Zelophahad had daughters. |
7:16 | And Maaca the wyfe of Machir bare a sonne, and called hys name Pherez, and the name of his brother was Zeres, and his sonnes were Ulam and Reken. |
7:17 | The sonnes of Ulam: Bedan: These are the sonnes of Gilead the sonne of Machir the sonne of Manasse. |
7:18 | And hys syster Molecath bare Ieshud, Abieser and Mahelah. |
7:19 | And the sonnes of Semida were: Ahiam, Sechem, Likchi and Aniham. |
7:20 | The sonnes of Ephraim: Suthalah, whose sonne was Bered, and Thahath hys sonne, and hys sonne Eladah, and Thahath his sonne: |
7:21 | and Sabad his sonne, and Suthelah his sonne, and Eser and Elead. And the men of Gath that were borne in that lande, slue them, because they were come downe to take awaye theyr catell. |
7:22 | And Ephraim theyr father mourned many a daye, and hys brethren came to conforte hym. |
7:23 | And whan he went into hys wyfe, she conceaued and bare hym a sonne, and he called the name of it Beria, because it went euell wyth hys housholde. |
7:24 | And his daughter was Scera, whych buylt Bethoron the nether & also the vpper, and Uzan Seera. |
7:25 | And Raphah was hys sonne: whose sonne was Reseph, and Thelah, whose sonne was Thaham, |
7:26 | and hys sonne Ladan, and hys sonne. Amihud, and his sonne Elisama, |
7:27 | and hys sonne Nun and his sonne Iehosua. |
7:28 | Their possessions & habitacion was in Bethel, and the townes that longed therto, and vnto the Eest of Naeran, & on the west syde of Gazer with the townes therof, Sechem and the townes therof, Adaia & the townes therof, |
7:29 | and a longe by the borders of the children of Manasse, Bethsean and her townes, Thaanach and her townes, Magiddo & her townes, and Dor and her townes. In those dwelt the chyldren of Ioseph the sonne of Israel. |
7:30 | The sonnes of Aser: Iimna, Iesua, Isuai, & Beria, & Serah their syster. |
7:31 | The sonnes of Beria: Ieber and Melchiel, which is the father of Birsaith. |
7:32 | And Hepher begat Iaphlet, Somer, Hotham, & Sua was their syster. |
7:33 | The sonnes of Iaphlet: Pasah, Bimhal and Asuah. These are the children of Iaphlet. |
7:34 | The sonnes of Semer: Ahi, Rohga, Iehubba and Aram. |
7:35 | And the sonnes of hys brother Helem: Zophah, Iimna, Seles and Amal. |
7:36 | The sones Zophah. Suah, Harnepher Sual, Beri, and Iimrah, |
7:37 | Bezer, Hod, Samma, Silsa, Iethran and Beera. |
7:38 | The sonnes of Iether, Iephune, Pispa, & Ara. |
7:39 | The sonnes of Ola: Areh, Haniel & Rezia. |
7:40 | All these were the chyldren of Asser, and heedes of their fathers houses, noble men, and myghtye head captaynes. The nombre thorowe out the genealogy of them that were apte to the warre and battell was .xxvj. thousande men. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."