
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


21:1And Satan stode vp agaynst Israel, & prouoked Dauid to nombre Israel.
21:2And Dauid sayde to Ioab and to the rulers of the people. Go ye and nombre Israel from Beer Seba to Dan, and brynge it to me that I maye know the nombre of them.
21:3And Ioab answered: the Lorde make hys people an hundred tymes so manye mo as they be. But my Lorde O king, are they not all my Lordes seruauntes? why then doth my Lorde requyre thys thynge? why wyll my Lorde be a cause of trespace to Israel?
21:4Neuerthelesse, the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab. And Ioab departed and walked thorowe out all them of Israel, and came to Ierusalem agayne
21:5& gaue the nombre of the counte of the people vnto Dauid. And all they of Israel were a thousand thousande & an hundred thousande men that drue swerde: and Iuda was .cccc.lxx. thousande men that drue swerd.
21:6But the Leuites and Ben Iamin counted he not amonge them. For the kynges worde was abhominable to Ioab.
21:7And the Lorde was displeased with thys thynge, and smote Israel.
21:8And Dauid sayde vnto God: I haue synned exceadyngly in doynge this thynge. And nowe (I beseche the) do awaye the wyckednesse of thy seruaunt, for I haue done very folyshlye.
21:9And the Lorde spake vnto Gad Dauids sear, sayinge:
21:10goo and tell Dauid, sayinge: Thus sayth the Lorde: I geue the, the choyse of thre thynges: chose the one of them, that I maye do vnto the.
21:11And Gad came to Dauid, and sayde vnto hym. Thus sayth the Lorde. Chose the,
21:12ether thre yeares famyshement, or thre monethes to be destroyed before thyne aduersaryes, and that the swerde of thyne enemyes maye ouertake the: or else the swerde of the Lorde and pestilence in the lande thre dayes, and the Angell of the Lorde destroying thorowe out all the coastes of Israel. And nowe aduise thy selfe, what worde I shall brynge agayne to hym that sent me.
21:13And Dauid sayde vnto Gad. I am in an exceadynge straite: Let me fall nowe into the hande of the Lorde, for passynge great are hys mercyes, but let me not fall into the hand of men.
21:14So the Lorde sent pestilence vpon Israel, and there were ouerthrowen of Israel .lxx. thousande men.
21:15And God sent the Angel into Ierusalem to destroye in it. And as he was about to destroye, the Lord behelde, and had compassyon on the euyll, and sayde to the Angell that destroyed: it is ynough, let now thyne hande ceasse. And the Angell of the Lorde stode by the thresshynge flowre of Ornan the Iebusyte.
21:16And Dauid lyfte vp hys eyes, and sawe the Angell of the Lord stande betwene the erth and heauen, hauynge a drawen swerde in hys hande, stretched out towarde Ierusalem. Then Dauid & the elders of Israel whych were clothed in sacke, fell vpon theyr faces.
21:17And Dauid sayd vnto God: Is it not I that commaunded the people to be nombred? It is I that haue synned & done euell in dede, & what haue these shepe done? let thyne hande (O Lorde my God) be on me and on my fathers house, but not on thy people that they shulde be punysshed.
21:18And the Angell of the Lorde commaunded Gad to saye to Dauid, that Dauid shulde go vp, and set vp an aulter vnto the Lorde, in the thresshynge flowre of Ornan the Iebusyte.
21:19And Dauid went vp accordynge to the sayinge of Gad, which he spake in the name of the Lorde.
21:20And Ornan turned aboute, and sawe the Angell, & hys foure sonnes were with hym, and hyd them selues: But Ornan was thresshyng wheat.
21:21And as Dauid came to Ornan, Ornan loked & sawe Dauid, and went out of the thresshynge floure, and bowed hym selfe to Dauid wyth his face to the grounde.
21:22And Dauid sayde to Ornan: geue me the place of the thresshyng flowre, that I maye buyld an aulter therin vnto the Lord. Thou shalt geue it me for as moche money as it is worthe, that the plage maye cease from the people.
21:23And Ornan sayde vnto Dauid: take it to the, & let my Lord the kyng do that which semeth good in his eyes: loo, I geue the oxen also for burnt sacrifyces, & the thresshyng sleades for wodde, & wheate for meat offeryng: I geue it all.
21:24And kynge Dauid sayd to Ornan: not so, but I wyll bye it for as moche moneye as it is worth. For I wyll not take that whych is thyne for the Lorde, ner offer burntoffrynges wythout coast.
21:25And so Dauid gaue to Ornan for that place, sycles of gold .vi. hundred by waight.
21:26And Dauid buylt there an aulter vnto the Lord, and offered burntofferynges & peaceoffrynges, and called vpon the Lord, and he heard hym from heauen in fyre vpon the aulter of burntoffering.
21:27And whan the Lord had spoken to the Angell, he put vp his swerd agayne into the shethe of it.
21:28At that tyme when Dauid sawe, that the Lorde had hearde hym in the thresshynge flowre of Ornan the Iebusyte: he vsed to offer there.
21:29For the tabernacle of the Lord which Moses made in the wildernesse, and the aulter of burntofferynge were at that ceason in the hyll at Gibeon.
21:30And Dauid coulde not go before it to aske councell at God, for he was aferde of the swerde of the Angell of the Lorde.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."