
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


28:1And Dauid geathered togeather all the Lordes of Israel: the Lordes of the trybes, the Lordes of the companyes that ministred to the kyng by course, the captaynes ouer the thousandes & ouer the hundredes & the Lordes that had the ouersyght ouer all the substaunce and possessyon of Dauid, hys sonnes, wyth the chambrelaynes: all the myghtye and valeaunt and all actiue men vnto Ierusalem.
28:2And kynge Dauid stode vp vpon hys fete, and sayde. Heare me my brethren & my people. I had in myne hert to buylde an house of rest for the Arcke of the couenaunt of the Lord, & for the fote stole of oure God, & had made redye, for the buylding.
28:3But God sayd vnto me: thou shalt not buylde an house for my name, because thou hast bene a man of warre, and hast shed bloud.
28:4Moreouer, the Lord God of Israel chose me before all the house of my father, to be kinge ouer Israel for euer, for in Iuda wold he chose a captayne: & of the housholde of Iuda is the house of my father, & amonge the sonnes of my father he had a lust to me, to make me king ouer all Israell.
28:5And of all my sonnes (for the Lord hath geuen me manye sonnes) he hath chosen Salomon my sonne, to sytt vpon the seat of the kyngdom of the Lord in Israel.
28:6And he sayde vnto me: Salomon thy sonne, he shall buyld me an house & courtes, I haue chosen hym to be my sonne, & I wilbe his father.
28:7I will stablyshe his kingdome for euer, If he will be strong to do my commaundmentes, & my lawes, as it goeth this daye.
28:8Now therfore, in the syght of all Israel the congregacyon of the Lorde, & in the audience of oure God: kepe & seke for all the commaundmentes of the Lord yor God, that ye maye enioye a good land, & leaue inheritaunce for yor children after you for euer.
28:9And thou Salomon my sonne, knowe thou the God of thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and wyth a swete courage. For the Lorde sercheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the ymaginacyons of thoughtes. And yf thou seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But yf thou forsake hym, he wyll cast the of for euer.
28:10Take hede nowe, for the Lorde hath chosen the, to buylde hym an house of a Sanctuarie. Be stronge therfore, and playe the man.
28:11And Dauid gaue Salomon his sonne the paterne of the porche & of the houses that longed therto, of the store houses, upper chambres, ynner parloures, & of the house of the mercyeseate:
28:12& the example of all that he had in hys mynde, for the courtes of the house of the Lorde, & for all the celles rounde about, for the treasures of the house of God, and for the treasures of the dedycate thynges,
28:13& for the diuisyons of the preastes and Leuites that wayted by course, & for all the workemanshyp, that shulde serue for the house of the Lorde, & for all the vesselles that shulde serue in the house of the Lorde.
28:14For golde & for the wayght of golde, for all vesselles of sondrye ministracions: for all maner of vesselles of syluer in weyght, & for all vesselles, whatsoeuer purpose they serued vnto.
28:15The wayght of golde for the candelstyckes, and the golde for their lampes, with the wayght for euery candelstycke, & for the lampes therof. And for the candelstyckes of syluer by wayght, both for the candelstycke and also for her lampes accordinge to the diuersite of the vse of euery candelstyck.
28:16And by wayght golde for the tables of shewe breed, euen for euery table: and lyke wyse syluer for the tables of syluer.
28:17And golde for fleshehokes, cuppes and drynckyng pottes: And pute golde in wayght for basens, euen for euery basen. And lykewyse syluer by wayght, for euery basen of syluer.
28:18And for the aulter of incense, pure golde by wayght. And gold for the paterne of the charett of the Cherubes that stretched out their wynges, and couered the Arcke of the couenaunt of the Lord.
28:19All (sayde Dauid) was geuen me by wrytynge of the hande of the Lorde, whych made me vnderstande all the workmanshyp of the paterne.
28:20And Dauid sayde to Salomon hys sonne: Be stronge, and do manfully, feare not, nor be faynt harted. For the Lorde God, euen my God, is wyth the, and he shall not fayle the, nor forsake the, vntyll thou hast fynysshed all the worke that must serue for the house of the Lord.
28:21Beholde, the preastes and Leuites are deuided in companyes, for all maner of seruyce that pertayneth to the house of God: they are wyth the for all maner of workmanshyp, and so are all that excell in wysedome for any maner of seruyce. Thou hast also the Lordes and all the people for euery thynge that thou hast nede of.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."