
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


5:1Call to remembraunce (O Lorde) what we haue suffred, consydre and se oure confusyon.
5:2Oure enherytaunce is turned to the straungers, and oure houses to the aleauntes.
5:3We are become carefull and fatherlesse, and oure mothers are as the wydowes.
5:4We are fayne to drinke oure owne water for money, and oure owne wod muste we bye wyth moneye.
5:5Oure nec are vnder persecucyon, we are weery, and haue no rest.
5:6A fore tyme we yelded oure selues to the Egypcians, and now to the Assiryans, onely that we myght haue bred ynough.
5:7Oure fathers (whiche now are gone) haue synned, & we must beare their wyckednesse.
5:8Seruauntes haue the rule of vs, & no man delyuereth vs out of their handes.
5:9We must gett oure lyuynge with the parell of oure lyues because of the drouth of the wyldernesse.
5:10Oure skynne is as it had bene brent in an ouen, for very sore honger.
5:11The wyues are raueshed in Syon, and the maydens in the cytyes of Iuda.
5:12The prynces are hanged vp wyth the hande of the enemyes, they haue not spared the olde sage men,
5:13they haue taken yonge mens lyues from them, and the boyes are hanged vp vpon trees.
5:14The elders syt no more vnder the gates, and the yonge men vse no more playeng of Musyke.
5:15The ioye of oure herte is gone, oure merye quere is turned into mournynge.
5:16The garlande of oure head is fallen: alas, that euer we synned so sore.
5:17Therfore oure herte is full of heuynesse, and oure eyes dymme:
5:18because of the hyll of Syon that is destroyed. In so moch, that the foxes runne vpon it.
5:19But thou, O Lord, that remaynest for euermore, and thy seate world wythout ende:
5:20wherfore wilt thou styll forgett vs, and forsake vs so longe?
5:21O Lord, turne thou vs vnto the, and so shall we be turned. Renne our dayes as in olde tymes,
5:22for thou hast banyshed vs now long ynough, & hast bene sore dyspleased at vs.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.