
Textus Receptus Bibles

Bishops Bible 1568


1:1After the death of Moyses the seruaunt of the Lord, it came to passe also that the Lorde spake vnto Iosuah ye sonne of Nun, Moyses minister, saying
1:2Moyses my seruaunt is dead: Nowe therefore arise, go ouer this Iordane, thou and all this people, vnto the lande the whiche I to them the chyldren of Israel do geue
1:3All the places that the soles of your feete shall treade vpon, haue I geuen you, as I sayde vnto Moyses
1:4From the wyldernesse and this Libanon, vnto the great riuer Euphrates, all the lande of the Hethites, euen vnto the great sea towarde the goyng downe of the sunne, shalbe your coast
1:5There shal not a man be able to withstande thee all the dayes of thy life: For as I was with Moyses, so wyll I be with thee, and wyll not fayle thee, nor forsake thee
1:6Be strong therfore and bolde: for vnto this people shalt thou deuide ye lande for inheritaunce, whiche I sware vnto their fathers to geue them
1:7Only be thou strong, and of a stoute courage, that thou maiest obserue and do according to all the law which Moses my seruaunt commaunded thee: Turne from the same neither to the right hande, nor to the lefte, that thou maiest do wisely in al that thou takest in hande
1:8Let not the booke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth, but occupie thy minde therein day & night, that thou maiest obserue and doe according to all yt is written therein: For then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt do wisely
1:9Haue not I comaunded thee, that thou shouldest be strong & hardie, and not feare nor be faint hearted? For I the Lorde thy God am with thee, whyther soeuer thou goest
1:10Then Iosuah commaunded the officers of the people, saying
1:11Go thorowe the middes of the hoaste, and comaunde the people, saying, Prepare you vitailes: for after three daies ye shal passe ouer this Iordane, to go in and enioye the lande, which the Lorde your God geueth you, to possesse it
1:12And vnto the Rubenites, Gadites, and halfe the tribe of Manasses spake Iosuah saying
1:13Remember the worde whiche Moyses the seruaunt of the Lorde commauded you, saying: The Lorde your God hath geuen you rest, & hath geuen you this lande
1:14Your wyues, your children, and your catell shall remaine in the lande which Moyses gaue you on this syde Iordane: but ye shal go before your brethren armed, all that be men of warre, and helpe them
1:15Untill the Lorde haue geuen your brethren rest as he hath you, and vntill they also haue obtained the lande whiche the Lorde your God geueth them: And then shal ye returne vnto the lande of your possession, and enioye it: which lande Moyses the Lordes seruaut gaue you on this side Iordane towarde the sunne rysyng
1:16And they aunswered Iosuah, sayinge: Al that thou hast commaunded vs we will do, and whyther soeuer thou sendest vs, we will go
1:17According as we obeyed Moyses in al thinges, so will we obey thee: only the Lorde thy God be with thee, as he was with Moyses
1:18And whosoeuer he be that doth disobey thy mouth, and wil not hearken vnto thy wordes in all that thou commaudest him, let him dye: Only be strong, and of good courage
Bishops Bible 1568

Bishops Bible 1568

The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.