
Textus Receptus Bibles

Bishops Bible 1568


15:1Thus spake the Lorde vnto me, Though Moyses and Samuel stoode before me, yet haue I no heart to this people: driue them away, that they may go out of my sight
15:2And yf they say vnto thee, whyther shall we go? then tell them, The Lorde geueth you this aunswere: Some vnto death, some to the sworde, some to hunger, some into captiuitie
15:3For I wyll bryng foure plagues vpon them, saith the Lorde: The sworde shal slay them, the dogges shall teare them in peeces, the foules of the ayre and beastes of the earth shall eate them vp, and destroy them
15:4I wyll scatter them about also in all kingdomes and landes to be plagued, because of Manasses the sonne of Hezekia kyng of Iuda, for the thynges that he did in Hierusalem
15:5Who shall then haue pitie vpon thee O Hierusalem? who shalbe sorie for thee? Or who shall make intercession to obtayne peace for thee
15:6Seing thou goest from me, and turnest backwarde, saith the Lorde: therfore I dyd stretche out myne hande against thee to destroy thee, and I haue ben sorie for thee so long that I am weerie
15:7I haue scattred them abrode with the fanne of euery side of the land, I haue wasted my people and destroyed them, yet they haue had no lust to turne from their owne wayes
15:8I haue made their widowes mo in number then the sandes of the sea, vpon the mothers of their children dyd I bryng a destroyer in the noone day: sodaynly and vnawares did I sende a feare vpon their cities
15:9She that hath borne seuen children, hath none, her heart is full of sorowe: the sunne doth fayle her in the cleare day, she is confounded and faintie for very heauinesse: As for those that remayne, I wyll deliuer them vnto the sworde before their enemies, saith the Lorde
15:10O mother, alas that thou euer didst beare me, a brawler and rebuker of the whole lande: though I neuer lent nor receaued vpon vsurie, yet all men speake euyll vpon me
15:11And the Lord aunswered me, Ueryly thy remnaunt shall haue wealth: Come not I to thee when thou art in trouble, & helpe thee when thine enemie oppresseth thee
15:12Doth one iron hurt another? or one metall that commeth from the north another
15:13As for thy riches and treasure, I will geue them out into a pray: not for money, but because of all thy sinnes that thou hast done in all thy coastes
15:14And I wyll bryng thee with thine enemies into a lande that thou knowest not: for the fire that is kindled in myne indignation shall burne you vp
15:15O Lorde thou knowest, therfore remember me, and visite me, reuenge me of my persecutours: take me not from this life in the tyme of thine anger, thou knowest that for thy sake I suffer rebuke
15:16When I had founde thy wordes I did eate them vp greedyly, they haue made my heart ioyfull and glad: for thy name was called vpon me O Lorde God of hoastes
15:17I dwell not among the scorners, neither is my delight therin: but I dwell alone because of thy hande, for thou hast fylled me with bitternesse
15:18Shall my heauinesse endure for euer? Are my plagues then so great that they may neuer be healed? Wylt thou be as one that is false, and as a water that falleth, and can not continue
15:19Upon these wordes, thus sayde the Lorde vnto me, If thou wylt turne agayne, I shall set thee in my seruice, and yf thou wylt take out the thynges that is precious from the vile, thou shalt be euen as myne owne mouth: they shall conuert vnto thee, but turne not thou vnto them
15:20And so shall I make thee a strong brasen wall agaynst this people, they shall fyght agaynst thee, but they shall not preuayle: for I my selfe wyll be with thee, to helpe thee and deliuer thee, saith the Lorde
15:21And I will rid thee out of the handes of the wicked, and deliuer thee out of the handes of tirauntes
Bishops Bible 1568

Bishops Bible 1568

The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.