Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
19:1 | It chaunsed in those dayes, when there was no kynge in Israell, that a certain Leuyte dwellyng on the syde of mount Ephraim, toke to wyfe a concubyne out of Bethlehem Iuda: |
19:2 | whyche concubyne played the whore in his house, and went away from him, vnto her fathers house to Bethlehem Iuda, and there continued foure monethes. |
19:3 | And her husband arose & went after her, to speake frendelye vnto her, and to bringe her home againe, and his lad wyth him and a couple of Asses. And she brought him vnto her fathers house, and when the father of the damosell sawe him, he reioysed of his comyng. |
19:4 | And his father in lawe the damoselles father kepte him, that he aboade with him thre dayes, and so they ate and dranke and lodged there. |
19:5 | The fourth daye they arose erlye in the mornynge, and the man stode vp to departe. But the damoselles father sayde vnto hys sonne in lawe, comfort thyne herte with a morsel of bread, and then go youre waye. |
19:6 | And they sate doune and dyd eate and drynke both of them together. Then sayde the damoselles father vnto the man, go to I praye the and tarye all nyghte, and let thyne hert be merye. |
19:7 | How be it the man stode vp to departe: but hys father in lawe compelled hym to turne agayne and to tarye all nyghte there. |
19:8 | And he rose vp erlye the fyft daye to departe. Then sayde the damoselles father, comforte thyne herte: and so made hym tary vntyl after middaye. And they dyd eate both of them together. |
19:9 | And then the man arose to departe wyth hys concubine and hys lad. But hys father in law the damoselles father sayde vnto him: beholde the day goeth fast away, & draweth towarde euen, tary al nyght: at the laste way tarye thys day here and let thyne hert be merye. And to morow get you erlye vpon your waye and get the to thy tente. |
19:10 | Neuerthelater the man would not tary, but arose and departed and came as ferre as Iebus, which is Ierusalem, and his two asses laden, and hys concubyne and his lad with hym. |
19:11 | And when they were fast by Iebus, the daye was sore spente and the younge man sayde vnto hys mayster, come I pray the and let us turne in, into thys cyty of the Iebusites and lodge all nyght there. |
19:12 | But hys maister sayd vnto him, we wyll not turne into a straunge cytye that are not of the chyldren of Israel: we wyll go forth to Gabaah. |
19:13 | And he sayde vnto hys lad: go forwarde, and we shal come to one place or other, & shal lodge al nyght in Gabaah or in Ramah. |
19:14 | And they wente forwarde vpon theyr waye, and the sonne wente doune vpon them, when they were faste by Gabaah, which is in Beniamin: |
19:15 | And they turned thetherwarde to go and lodge al nyghte in Gabaah. And when they came in, they sat them doune in a streat of the cytye, for there was no man toke them into lodge. |
19:16 | But beholde, there came an olde man from hys worke, oute of the feldes at euen, whyche was also of mount Ephraim: and but a straunger in Gabaah for the men of the place were of the chyldren of Iemini. |
19:17 | And when he had lyft vp his eyes, and sawe a wayefaring man in the streates of the cyty he sayde: whether goest thou? And whence comest thou? |
19:18 | And the other answered hym, we come from Bethlehem Iuda towarde the syde of mounte Ephraim: from thence am I, and went to Bethlehem Iuda and go nowe to the house of the Lorde. But there is no man that receyueth me to house: |
19:19 | & yet I haue strawe and prauender for our Asses, and bread and wyne for me and thy handmaide, and thy lad that are with thy seruaunt, and lacke nothing. |
19:20 | The olde man sayde: peace be wyth the, al that thou lackeste shalt thou fynde wyth me: onlye abyde not in the streates all nyght, |
19:21 | and he brought hym into hys house, and gaue foder vnto hys Asses. And they wasshed their fete, and dyd eate and dryncke. |
19:22 | And as they were making their hertes merye, the men of the cytye, whyche were wycked, set the house roundabout, and thrust at the dore, and spake to the man of the house, the olde man saying: brynge forthe the man that came into thyne house, that we may knowe hym. |
19:23 | But the man of the house went out to them and sayde vnto them, Oh, naye my brethren, do not so wyckedlye seynge: that this man is come into myne house: do not this folye. |
19:24 | Beholde my doughter a mayden and thys mannes concubyne, them I wyll brynge out vnto you, and humble them, and do with them what semeth you good: but vnto this man, do not this folye. |
19:25 | But the men woulde not herken to hym. Neuerthelesse the man toke hys concubine and broughte her out vnto them, & they had to do wyth her, and entreated her shamefullye, all the nyghte euen vnto the morninge. And when the daye beganne to sprynge, they let her go. |
19:26 | And then came the woman in the douning of the daye, and fell doune at the dore of the mannes house, where her Lorde was, and there she laye tyll daye. |
19:27 | And her Lorde arose vp in the mornynge and opened the dores of the house, and went out to go hys way. And beholde hys concubine laye alonge before the dore of the house, and her hand vpon the tresholde. |
19:28 | And he sayde vnto her: vp and let vs be goynge. But she answered not. Then he toke her vp vpon an asse & stode vp, & gat him vnto his owne home. |
19:29 | And when he was come vnto his house, he toke a dreshing kneife, and caught his concubine & deuided her thorow the bones into twelue peces, and sent her into all quarters of Israel. |
19:30 | And al that sawe it sayde: there was no suche deade done or sene sence the chyldren of Israel came out of Egypt vnto thys day, consyder the mater, geue counsel and saye youre myndes. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.