
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


11:1And in the first yeare of Darius of Medea, I stode by him, to comforte him, & to strength him,
11:2and nowe wil I shew the the trueth. Beholde, there shall stande vp yet thre kynges in Persia, but the fourth shal be farre rycher then they all. And when he is in the chefest power of his ryches, he shall prouoke euery man against the realme of Grekelande.
11:3Then shall there aryse yet a myghty kinge, that shall rule with greate dominion, and do what him lyst.
11:4And as sone as his kingedome cometh vp, it shalbe destroyed, and deuyded toward the foure windes of the heauen. They that come after hym, shall not haue suche power and domynyon as he: but hys kyngedome shalbe scatred, yea euen amonge other then those.
11:5And the kyng of the south shal be myghtyer, then his other princes. Agaynste him there shall one make hymselfe stronge, and shal rule his dominyon wt greate power.
11:6But after certayne yeares they shalbe ioyned together, and the kinges doughter of the south shall come to the kynge of the Northe, for to make frendshyp, but she shall not obtayne the power of that arme, neyther shall she be able to endure thorow his myght: but she, and such as brought her (yea and he that begat her, & comforted her for hys tyme) shalbe delyuered vp.
11:7Oute of the braunches of her rote, there shall one stande vp in his steade: whiche with power of armes shal go thorow the kinges lande of the North, & handle hym according to his strength. As for their Idols & princes, with their costly Iewels of goulde & syluer,
11:8he shal carye them awaye captiues into Egipte, & he shall preuayle agaynste the kyng of the north certayne yeares.
11:9And when he is come into the kinges realm of the south he shalbe fayne to turne agayne into hys owne lande.
11:10Wherfore hys sonnes shalbe displeased, and shall gather together a myghtye greate hoste of people: and one of them shall come, and go thorowe lyke a waterflowed: then shall he returne, and go forth with defyinge and boastinge vnto his owne lande.
11:11Then the kynge of the south shalbe angry and shall come forthe to fyght agaynste the kinge of the north: yea he shal brynge a great multitude of people together, & a great heape shalbe geuen into hys hande:
11:12these shall he cary awaye with greate pryde, for so muche as he hath cast doune so many thousandes, neuertheles he shall not preuayle.
11:13For the king of the north shal gather (of the new) a greater heape of people then afore, & come forth (after a certayne tyme & yeares) wyth a mighty hoste and exceadinge greate good.
11:14At the same tyme there shall manye stande vp agaynst the kynge of the south, so that the wycked children of thy people also shall exalte them selues (to fulfyll the vysyon) & then fall.
11:15So the kynge of the North shall come to laye sege, & to take the stronge fensed cytyes: And the power of them of the south shal not be able to abyde him, and the best men of the people shal not be so stronge, as to resist him.
11:16Shortely, when he commeth, he shall handle him as he list, & no man shalbe so hardy as to stande agaynst hym. He shall stand in the pleasaunt countreye, whiche thorow him shalbe destroyed.
11:17He shal set his face wt al his power to obtayne his kyngedome, and to be lyke it. Yea that shall he do, and geue hym vnto the doughters amonge wemen, to destroye hym. But he shall fayle, neyther shall he obtayne his purpose.
11:18After this shall he set hys face vnto the Iles, & take many of them. A prynce shal stoppe him, to do hym a shame, besyde the confusyon that els shall come vnto hym.
11:19Thus shall he tourne agayne to hys owne lande, stomble, & fall, and be no more founde:
11:20so he that came vpon him & did him violence, shal stande in his place, & haue a pleasaunte kingedom: and after few dayes he shalbe destroyed, and that neyther in wrath, nor in battell.
11:21In his steade there shal aryse a vyle person, not holden worthy of a kinges dygnitie: this shal come in craftely, & obtayne the kingedome with fayre wordes:
11:22he shall fyghte agaynste the armes of the myghtye (and destroye them) yea and agaynste the prynce of the couenaunte.
11:23So after that he hath taken truce with him, he shal handle disceytfully, that he maye get vp, and ouercome him with a small flocke:
11:24& so with craftynesse to get him to the fattest place of the lande, and to deale otherwyse, then ether his fathers or graundfathers dyd. For he shall destroy the thinge, that they had robbed and spoiled, yea & al their substaunce: ymageninge thoughtes agaynst the stronge holdes, and that for a tyme.
11:25His power, and herte shalbe sterred vp with a great armye agaynst the kinge of the south: where thorow the king of the south shalbe moued then vnto battell with a great and mighty host also. Neuertheles he shal not be able to stand, for they shal conspire against hym.
11:26Yea, they that eat of hys meate, shal hurte him: so that his hoste shall fall, and many be slayne donne.
11:27These two kinges shalbe mynded to do myschefe, and talke of disceyte at one table, but they shall not prospere: for why, the ende shal not come yet, vnto the tyme appoynted.
11:28Then shal he go home agayne into his owne lande with great good, & set his herte against the holy couenaunt, he shalbe busye againste it, and then returne home.
11:29At the time appointed, he shall come agayne, and go toward the south. So shall it happen otherwyse then at the first, yet ones agayn.
11:30And why? the shippes of Lithim shall come vpon him, that he may be smytten and turne again: that he may take indignacyon agaynste the couenaunte of holynesse, to medle agaynste it. Yea he shall turne him, and drawe suche vnto hym, as leaue the holy couenaunte.
11:31He shall set myghty men to vnhalowe the Sanctuary of strength, to put doune the daylye offerynge, and to set vp the abhomynable desolacyon.
11:32And suche as breake the couenaunt shal he flattre wyth fayre wordes. But the people that wyll know their God, shal haue the ouerhand, and prospere.
11:33Those also that haue vnderstandyng among the people shall enfourme the multitude: and for a long season, they shalbe persecuted with swerde, with fyre, with captyuyte and with the takinge awaye of their goodes.
11:34Nowe when they fall they shalbe set vp with a litle helpe: but many shall clene vnto them faynedly.
11:35Yea, some of those whyth haue vnderstandinge shalbe persecuted also: that they maye be tryed, purifyed and clensed, tyll the tyme be oute: for there is yet another tyme appointed.
11:36The kinge shal do what him lyst, he shal exalte and magnifye him selfe agaynste all, that is God. Yea he shall speake maruelous thinges against the God of al goddes, wherin he shall prospere, so longe till the wrathe be fulfilled, for the conclusyon is deuysed alredy.
11:37He shal not regarde the God of hys fathers, but his lust shalbe vpon wemen: Yea, he shal not care for any God, for he shall magnifye him selfe aboue al.
11:38In his place shall he worshippe the mighty Idols: and the god whome his fathers knewe not, shall he honoure with goulde and syluer, with precious stones and pleasaunt Iewels.
11:39This shal he do, sekyng helpe and succour at the myghtye Idols and straunge goddes. Suche as wil receyue him, and take him for God, he shall geue them greate worshippe, & power: yea and make them lordes of the multitude, and geue them the lande with rewardes.
11:40In the latter tyme shall the kinge of the south stryue with him: & the king of the north in like maner shall come agaynste him wyth charettes, horsemen and wyth a greate nauy of shippes. He shall come into the landes, destroye and go thorowe,
11:41he shall entre also into the fayre pleasaunt lande. Manye cytyes and countreyes shall decaye, excepte Edom, Moab & the best of the children of Ammon, whyche shall escape from hys hande.
11:42He shal stretch forth his handes vpon the countreyes & the lande of Egipte shall not escape him.
11:43For thorowe his goynge in, he shal haue dominion ouer the treasures of siluer and gold & ouer al the precyous Iewels of Egypt, Lybia and Ethiopia.
11:44Neuerthelesse the tidinges oute of the easte and north shal trouble hym, for the whiche cause he shall go forthe to destroye & curse a greate multitude.
11:45The tentes of his palace shall be pytch betwyxte the two seas, vpon the hill of the noble Sanctuarye, for he shall come to the ende of it, & then shal no man helpe him.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.