
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


10:1And when Esdras prayed after this maner, & knowledge, wept & laye before the house of God, there resorted vnto hym oute of Israel a very great congregacion of men and wemen, & chyldren: for the people wepte very sore.
10:2And Sechaniah the sonne of Iehiel one of the chyldren of Elam, answered, and sayde vnto Esdras: We haue trespaced agaynste the Lorde oure God, in that we haue taken straunge wyues of all the people of the land. Now there is hope yet in Israel concernyng this
10:3therfore, let vs make a couenaunt nowe wyth our God, that we shall put away al the wyues (and suche as are borne of them) accordynge to the councel of the Lorde, and of them that feare the commaundement of oure God, that we maye do accordyng to the law.
10:4Get the vp therfore, for the matter belongeth vnto the. We wyll be wyth the, be of good comforte, and do it.
10:5Then rose Esdras, and toke an othe of the rulers, priestes and Leuites, & of all Israell, that they shulde do accordynge to this word: and they sware.
10:6And Esdras stode vp before the house of God, and wente into the chamber of Iohanan the sonne of Elialib. And when he came thyther, he ate no bread, nor drancke water: for he mourned because of the transgressyon of them that had bene in captiuite.
10:7And they caused a proclamacyon be made thorowoute Iuda and Ierusalem, vnto al the chyldren whiche had bene in captyuite, that they shulde gather themselues together vnto Ierusalem:
10:8And that whosoeuer came not within thre dayes accordynge to the deuyce of the rulers and elders, all hys substaunce shoulde be forfet, and be put oute from the congregacyon of the captyue.
10:9Then all the men of Iuda and Beniamin gathered themselues together vnto Ierusalem in thre dayes, that is on the twentye daye of the nynth moneth: and all the people sate in the strete before the house of God, and trembled, because of the matter, and for the rayne.
10:10And Esdras the prieste stode vp, and sayde vnto them: Ye haue transgressed, that ye haue taken straunge wyues, to make the trespace of Israel yet more:
10:11confesse now therfore vnto the Lorde God of your fathers, and do hys pleasure, and separate youre selues from the people of the lande, and from the straunge wyues.
10:12Then aunswered all the congregacyon, and sayde wyth a loude voyce: Let it be done as thou haste sayd.
10:13But the people are many, & it is a rayne whether, and they can not stand here wythout, nether is this a worcke of one daye or two, for we are many that haue offended in thys transgressyon.
10:14Let vs appoynte oure rulers therfore in all the congregacyon, that al they which haue taken straunge wyues in oure cytyes, maye come at the tyme appoynted, and the elders of euerye cytye & theyr iudges wyth them, tyll the wrath of our God be turned awaye from vs for thys offence.
10:15Then were appoynted Ionathan the sonne of Asahel and Iahasia the sonne of Thekuah ouer thys matter. And Mosollam and Sabathai the Leuites holpe them.
10:16And the chyldren of the captiuite dyd euen so. And Esdras the priest and the auncyent heades thorow the house of theyr fathers and all that were now rehearsed by name, separated them selues, and sate them doune on the fyrst daye of the tenth moneth to examen thys matter.
10:17And of the first daye of the fyrste moneth they made an ende of all the men that had taken straunge wyues.
10:18And amonge the children of the priestes there were men founde that had taken straunge wyues, namely among the chyldren of Iesua the sonne of Iosedec and of his brethren, Maasiah, Eliezer, Iarib and Godoliah.
10:19And they gaue theyr handes there vpon, that they wold put awaye theyr wyues: and for theyr trespace offerynge to geue a ramme for theyr trespace.
10:20Amonge the chyldren of Emer, Hanani, and Zabadiah.
10:21Amonge the chyldren of Harim, Maasiah, Eltah, Semeiah, Iehiel, and Osiah.
10:22Amonge the chyldren of Phashur, Elioenai. Maasiah, Ismael Nathanael, Iosabed and Eleazah.
10:23Amonge the Leuites, Iosabed, Semei & Kelaiah, which same is Kalithah. Pathathiah, Iuda, & Eleazar.
10:24Amonge the syngers, Eliasib. Among the porters Selum, Telem and Vri.
10:25Of Israel. Amonge the chyldren of Pharos, Remiah, Iesiah, Melchiah, Miamin, Eleazar, Melchiah and Banaiah.
10:26Amonge the chyldren of Elam, Mathaniah, Zachary, Iehiel, Abdi, Ierimoth & Eliah.
10:27Amonge the children of Iethua, Elioenai, Eliasib, Mathaniah, Ierimoth, Zabad and Aziza.
10:28Amonge the chyldren of Bebai, Iehohanan, Hananiah, Zabai and Athalai.
10:29Amonge the chyldren of Beoni, Mosolam, Maluch, Adaiah Iasub, Saal and Ierimoth.
10:30Amonge the chyldren of Phahath Moab, Edna, Calal, Banaiah, Maasia, Mathaniah, Bezeleel, Benui and Manasseh.
10:31Amonge the chyldren of Harim, Eliezer, Iesiah, Melchiah, Semeiah, Simeon,
10:32BenIamin, Malluch and Samariah.
10:33Among the chyldren of Hasem, Mathnai, Mathatah, Zabed, Eliphelet, Ieremi, Manasseh & Semei.
10:34Amonge the chyldren of Bani, Madai, Amram, Ruel,
10:35Baneah, Cheluhi, Badaiah,
10:36Vaniah, Maremoth, Eliasib
10:37Mathaniah Mathanai, Iaasan,
10:38Bani, Binni Semelah,
10:39Salamiah, Nathan, Adaiah,
10:40Machnadabai, Sasai, Sarai,
10:41Asarael, Selemiahu, Samariah,
10:42Selum, Amariah, and Ioseph.
10:43Amonge the chyldren of Nebo, Aaiel, Matathiah, Zabed, Zabina, Iedai, Ioel and Banaiah.
10:44Al these had taken straunge wiues. And amonge the same wiues there were some, that had borne children.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.