Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
15:1 | But it chaunced within a whyle after, euen in the tyme of whete heruest, that Samson visited hys wyfe with a kydde, sayenge: I wyll go into my wyfe into the chaumber: but her father wolde not suffre hym to go in. |
15:2 | And her father sayd: I thought that thou haddest hated her, and therfore gaue I her vnto one of thy companions. Is not her yonger syster fayrer then she? Take her in steade of the other |
15:3 | Samson sayd vnto them: Now am I more blamelesse then the Philistines, and therfore wyll I do them displeasure. |
15:4 | And Samson went out, and caught thre hundred foxes, and toke fyrebrandes, and fastened tayle to tayle, and put a fyer brand in the myddes betwene two tayles. |
15:5 | And whan he had set the brandes of fyer, he sent them out into the standing corne of the Philistines, and burnt vp both the reped corne and also the standing, with the vyneyardes and olyues. |
15:6 | Then the Philistines sayde: who hath done thys? And it was tolde them that Samson the sonne in lawe of the Thamnite, because he had taken hys wyfe, and geuen her to hys companyon. And the Philistines came vp and burnt her and her father with fyer. |
15:7 | And Samson sayde vnto them: Though ye haue done this, yet will I be aduenged of you, and then I wyll cease. |
15:8 | And he smote them legge and thygh with a myghtye plage. And then he went and dwelt in the caue of the rocke Etam. |
15:9 | Then the Philistines came vp, & pitched in Iuda, and laye in Lehi. |
15:10 | And the men of Iuda sayde, why are ye come vp vnto vs? They answered: to binde Samson are we come vp, and to do to hym as he hath done to vs. |
15:11 | Then thre thousande men of Iuda went downe to the caue of the rocke Etam, and sayde to Samson: wottest thou not that the Philistines are rulers ouer vs? Wherfore then hast thou done thus vnto vs? He answered them as they dyd vnto me, so haue I done vnto them. |
15:12 | And they sayd vnto hym agayne: we are come downe to bynde the, and to delyuer the into the hand of the Philistines. And Samson sayd vnto them: swere vnto me that ye shall not fal vpon me your selues. |
15:13 | They answered hym, sayenge: No, but we wyll bynde the, and delyuer the vnto their handes: But we wyll not kyl the. And they bounde him with two new cordes, & brought hym from the rocke. |
15:14 | And when he came to Lehi, the Philistines showted agaynst him. And the sprete of the Lord came vpon hym, and the cordes that were vpon hys armes, became as flaxe that was burnt wt fyer, for the bandes lowsed from of hys handes. |
15:15 | And he founde a rotten Iawe bone of an asse, and put forth hys hande, and caught it, and slue a thousande men therwith. |
15:16 | And Samson sayde: with the Iawe of an asse, haue I made heapes of them: with the Iawe of an asse haue I slaine a thousand men. |
15:17 | And when he had left speakyng, he cast awaye the Iawe bone out of hys hand, and called the place Ramath Lehi. |
15:18 | And he was sore a thyrst, and called on the Lorde, & sayde: Thou hast geuen this great victory, in the hande of thy seruaunt. And now I must dye for thyrst, and fall into the handes of the vncircumcised. |
15:19 | But God brake a great toth that was in the Iawe, and ther came water therout. And when he had droncke, his sprete came agayne, and was refresshed, wherfore the name therof was called, vnto this daye, the well of the caller on, which came of the Iawe. |
15:20 | And he iudged Israell in the dayes of the Philistines, twenty yeares. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."