
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


9:1Heare O Israel, thou passest ouer Iordan thys daye, to go in, and conquere nacyons greate & myghtier then thy selfe: cyties greate and walled vp to heauen,
9:2a people greate and tall, euen the chyldren of the Enakims, whych thou knowest of, and of whom thou hast herde saye: who wyll stande before the chyldren of Enack?
9:3Understande therfore thys daye, that the Lorde thy God is euen he whych goeth ouer before the as a a consumynge fyre, he shall destroye them and he shall brynge them downe before thy face. He shall cast them out, & brynge them to nought quickly, as the Lord hath sayed vnto the.
9:4Speake not thou in thyne hert (after that the Lord thy God hath cast them out before the) sayinge: for my ryghteousnes the Lorde hath brought me in, to possesse thys lande. Nay, but for the wyckednesse of these nacyons the Lorde hath cast them out before the.
9:5It is not for thy righteousnes sake or for thy ryght hert, that thou goest to possesse theyr lande. But for the wyckednesse of these nacions, the Lorde thy God doth cast them out before the, euen to performe the worde, which the Lorde thy God sware vnto thy fathers, Abraham, Isahac and Iacob.
9:6Understande therfore that it is not for thy ryghteousnes sake, that the Lorde thy God doth geue the thys good lande to possesse it seynge thou art a stiffenecked people.
9:7Remembre & forget not, howe thou prouokedest the Lorde thy God in the wyldernesse, sence the daye that thou dyddest departe out of the lande of Egypte vntyll ye came vnto thys place, ye haue rebelled agaynst the Lord.
9:8Also in Horeb ye angred the Lorde, so that the Lord was wroth wyth you, euen to haue destroyed you,
9:9whan I was gone vp into the mount, to receaue the tables of stone, the tables of appoyntment, whych the Lorde made with you. And Iabode in the hyll .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes, whan I nether dyd eate bread nor dranke water.
9:10And the Lord delyuered me two tables of stone, wryten with the fynger of God, & in them was accordynge to all the wordes which the Lorde sayed vnto you in the mount out of the myddes of the fyre in the daye, of the gatherynge together.
9:11And when the .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes were ended, the Lorde gaue me the two tables of stone, the tables of the couenaunt,
9:12and the Lorde sayde vnto me. Up, & get the doune quickely from hence, for thy people which thou hast broughte out of Egypte, haue marred all. They are turned attonce out of the waye, whiche I commaunded them, and haue made them a molten ymage.
9:13Furthermore, the Lord spake vnto me sayinge: I haue sene thys people, and beholde, it is a styffenecked people,
9:14let me alone, that I maye destroye them, and put out the name of them from vnder heauen, and I wyll make of the a myghtie nacyon, & greater than they be.
9:15And I turned me, and came doune from the hyll (euen from the hyll that burnt wyth fyre) and the two tables of the appoyntment were in my handes.
9:16And I loked, & beholde, ye had synned agaynst the Lorde your God, & had made you a molten calfe, and had turned attonce out of the waye whyche the Lord had commaunded you.
9:17And I toke the two tables and cast them out of my two handes, and brake them before youre eyes.
9:18And I fell downe flat before the Lorde: euen as at the fyrst tyme, and .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes I dyd nether eate bread nor drincke water, because of all youre synnes, whych ye synned, in doynge wyckedly in the syght of the Lord in that ye prouoked hym vnto wrath.
9:19For I was afrayed that for the wrath & fearsnesse wher wyth the Lorde was moued agaynst you, he wolde haue destroyed you. But the Lorde herde me at that tyme also.
9:20The Lorde was very angrye wyth Aaron also, euen to haue destroyed hym: & I made intercessyon for Aaron also the same tyme:
9:21And I toke youre synne the calfe whych ye had made and burnt hym with fyre, & stamped hym & grounde hym a good, euen vnto sinal dust. And I cast the dust therof into the brooke, that descended out of the mounte.
9:22Also at the burnynge, at the tentacyon, and at the sepulchres of lust ye angred the Lord,
9:23lykewyse when the Lorde sent you from Cades Barne, sayinge, go vp, and conquere the lande which I haue geuen you ye disobeyed the mouth of the Lorde youre God, and nether beleued him, nor herkened vnto his voyce.
9:24Ye haue bene disobedient vnto the Lorde, sence the daye that I knewe you.
9:25And I fell downe flat before the Lord .xl. dayes, and .xl. nyghtes whiche I laye there, for the Lorde sayde, that he wolde destroye you.
9:26I made intercessyon therfore vnto the Lorde, and sayed: O Lorde God, destroye not thy people & thyne enheritaunce, whych thou hast delyuered thorow thy greatnesse, and which thou hast brought out of Egypte thorowe a myghtie hand.
9:27Remembre thy seruauntes Abraham, Isahac and Iacob, and loke not vnto the stoburnesse of this people, ner to theyr wickednesse & synne:
9:28lest the lande whence thou broughtest them, saye: The Lorde is not able to brynge them in to the lande, whych he promysed them: and because he hated them, therfore hath he caryed them out, to slaye them in the wyldernesse.
9:29Beholde, they are thy people, and thyne enheritaunce, whyche thou broughtest out in thy myghtie power and in thy stretched out arme.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."