Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
22:1 | Thou shalt not se thy brothers oxe or shepe go astraye, & withdrawe thy selfe from them: But shalt brynge them agayne vnto thy brother. |
22:2 | And yf thy brother be not nye vnto the, or yf thou knowe hym not, then brynge it vnto thyne awne house, & it shall remayne wyth the, vntyll thy brother aske after them, and then delyuer him them agayne. |
22:3 | In lyke maner shalt thou do with his asse and so shalt thou do with hys rayment: and withall lost thynges of thy brother which he hath lost & thou hast founde, shalt thou do lykewise, and thou mayst not withdrawe thy selfe. |
22:4 | Thou shalt not se thy brothers asse or oxe falle doune by the waye, & wythdrawe thy selfe from them: but shalt helpe hym to heue them vp agayne. |
22:5 | The woman shall not weare that whiche pertayneth vnto the man, nether shall a man put on womans rayment. For all that do so, are abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God. |
22:6 | If thou chaunce vpon a byrdes nest by the waye, in whatsoeuer tree it be or on the grounde, whether they be younge or egges, and the damme syttynge vpon the younge or vpon the egges: Thou shalt not take the damme with the younge. |
22:7 | But shalt in any wyse let the damme go, and take the younge to the, that thou mayst prospere and prolonge thy dayes. |
22:8 | When thou byldest a newe house, thou shalt make a batelment on the rouffe, that thou lade not bloude vpon thyne house, yf any man fall therof. |
22:9 | Thou shalt not sowe thy vyneyarde with dyuerse seedes: lest the frute of the seede which thou hast sowen, and the frute of thy vyneyarde be defyled. |
22:10 | Thou shalt not plowe with an oxe & an asse together. |
22:11 | Thou shalt not weare a garment made of woll and flaxe together. |
22:12 | Thou shalt make the gardes vpon the .iiij. quarters of thy vesture, where with thou couerest thy selfe. |
22:13 | If a man take a wyfe, and when he hath lyen wyth her, hate her, |
22:14 | and laye shamefull thynges vnto her charge, and brynge vp an euell name vpon her, and saye: I toke thys wyfe, and when, I came to her, I founde her not a mayde: |
22:15 | Then shall the father of the damsell and the mother brynge forth the tokens of the damsels virginite, vnto the elders of the cytie in the gate. |
22:16 | And the damsels father shall saye vnto the elders: I gaue my daughter vnto this man to wyfe, and he hateth her: |
22:17 | and lo, he layeth shamefull thynges vnto her charge, sayinge: I founde not thy daughter a mayde. And yet these ar the tokens of my daughters virginyte. And they shall sprede the vesture before the elders of the cytie. |
22:18 | And the elders of that cytie shall take that man and chastyce him, |
22:19 | and mearce hym in an hundred sycles of syluer, and geue them vnto the father of the damsell, because he hath brought vp an euell name vpon a mayde of Israel. And she shalbe hys wyfe, & he maye not put her a waye all hys dayes. |
22:20 | But and yf the thynge be of a suertye, that the damsell be not founde a virgen, |
22:21 | they shall brynge the damsell to the dore of her fathers house, and the men of that cytie shall stone her wyth stones to death, because she hath wrought folye in Israel, to playe the whore in her fathers house. And so thou shalt put euell a waye from the. |
22:22 | If a man be founde lyenge wyth a woman, that hath a wedded husbande, they shall dye ether other of them: both the man that laye with the wyfe, & also the wyfe: and so thou shalt put awaye euell from Israel. |
22:23 | If a mayde be handfasted vnto an husbande, and then a man fynde her in the towne and lye with her, |
22:24 | ye shall brynge them both out vnto the gates of the same cytie, & shall stone them with stones to death: The damsell, because she cryed not beynge in the cytie: And the man, because he hath humbled hys neyghbours wife, and thou shalt put a waye euell from the. |
22:25 | But yf a man fynde a betrauthed damsell in the felde, and force her, and lye wyth her. Then the man that laye wyth her shall dye alone, |
22:26 | but vnto the damsell thou shalt do no harme: because there is in the damsell no cause of death. For as when a man ryseth agaynste his neyghboure & sleyeth him, euen so is thys matter. |
22:27 | For he founde her in the feldes, and the betrouthed damsell cryed: and there was no man to suckoure her. |
22:28 | If a man fynde a mayde that is not betrauthed, and take her, and lye with her, and they be founde: |
22:29 | Then the man that laye wyth her, shall geue vnto the damsels father .l. sycles of syluer. And she shall be hys wyfe, because he hath humbled her, and he maye not put her a waye all hys dayes. |
22:30 | No man shall take hys fathers wyfe, nor vnhele hys fathers couerynge. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."