Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
21:1 | If one be founde slayne in the lande, whych the Lorde thy God geueth the to possesse it, and lyeth in the felde: and it is not knowne who hath slayne hym: |
21:2 | Then thyne elders and thy iudges shall come forth, and mete vnto the cyties that are rounde aboute the slayne. |
21:3 | And let the elders of that cytie whych is next vnto the slayne man, take out of the droue, an heyffer that is not laboured wyth, nor hath drawen in the yocke, |
21:4 | and let the elders of that cytie brynge the heyffer vnto a harde valeye, whych is nether eared nor sowen, and strike of the heyffers necke there in the valey. |
21:5 | And the Preastes the sonnes of Leui (whom the Lorde thy God hath chosen to mynistre, and to blesse in the name of the Lorde) shall come furth, and at theyr mouthe shall all stryfe and plage be tryed. |
21:6 | And all the elders of the cytie that come furth to the slayne man, shall washe their handes ouer the heyffer that is beheaded in the valley, |
21:7 | and shall answere and saye: oure handes haue not shede thys bloud, nether haue oure eyes sene it. |
21:8 | Be mercyfull Lorde vnto thy people Israel, whych thou hast delyuered and laye no innocent bloude vnto thy people of Israels charge: & the bloude shalbe forgeuen them. |
21:9 | And so shalt thou put innocent bloude from the, when thou shalt haue done that whych is ryght in the syght of the Lorde. |
21:10 | When thou goest to warre agaynst thyne enemyes, and the Lorde thy God hath delyuered them into thyne handes, and thou hast taken them captyue, |
21:11 | and seest amonge the captyues a bewtifull woman, and hast a desyre vnto her, that thou woldest haue her to thy wyfe, |
21:12 | Thou shalt brynge her home to thyne house, and let her shaue her heade & let her nayles growe, |
21:13 | and put her rayment that she was taken in from her, and let her remayne in thine house, and be wepe her father and her mother a moneth longe, and after that shalt thou go in vnto her, and marye her, & she shall be thy wife. |
21:14 | And yf thou haue no fauoure vnto her, then let her go whether she lusteth: and sell her not for money, nor make cheue saunce of her, because thou hast humbled her. |
21:15 | If a man haue two wyues, one loued and another hated, & they haue borne him chyldren, both the loued and also the hated: |
21:16 | If the fyrst borne be the sonne of the hated: then when the tyme commeth that he dealeth hys goodes, amonge hys chyldren, he maye not make the sonne of the beloued fyrstborne, before the sonne of the hated whyche is in deade the fyrstborne: |
21:17 | But he shall knowe the sonne of the hated for the fyrstborne, and geue hym dowble porcyon of all that he hath. For he is the fyrst of his strength, and to hym belongeth the ryght of the fyrst borne. |
21:18 | Yf any man haue a sonne that is stoburne and disobedient, that he wyll not herken vnto the voyce of hys father and voyce of his mother, and they haue chastened him, and he wolde not herken vnto them: |
21:19 | Then shall hys father and hys mother take hym, & brynge hym out vnto the elders of that cytie, and vnto the gate of that same place, |
21:20 | & saye vnto the elders of the cytie: Thys oure sonne is stoburne and disobedyent, and wyll not herken vnto oure voyce, he is a ryoter, & a dronckarde. |
21:21 | And all the men of that cytie shall stone him with stones vnto death. And thou shalt put euell a waye from the, and all Israell shall heare, and feare. |
21:22 | If a man haue committed a trespace worthy of death, & is put to death for it, & thou hangest hym on tree: |
21:23 | hys body shall not remayne all nyghte vpon the tree, but thou shalt burye hym the same daye. For the curse of God is on him that is hanged. Defyle not thou thy lande, whych the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."