Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
10:1 | In the same ceason the Lord sayde vnto me hewe the two tables of stone lyke vnto the fyrst, and come vp vnto me in to the mount, & make the an Arcke of wood, |
10:2 | & I will wryte in the tables, the wordes that were in the fyrst tables which thou brakest, & thou shalt put them in the arcke. |
10:3 | And I made an arcke of sethim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like vnto the fyrst, and went vp in to the mountayne, hauynge the two tables in myne hande. |
10:4 | And he wrote in the tables accordynge to the fyrst writynge (the ten verses whiche the Lorde spake vnto you in the mount out of the myddes of the fyre, in the daye of the gatherynge together) and the Lord gaue them vnto me. |
10:5 | And I departed, and came downe from the hyll, and put the tables in the arcke which I had made: and there they be, as the Lorde commaunded me. |
10:6 | And the chyldren of Israel toke theyr iourney from Beroth of the chyldren of Iakan to Mosera, where Aaron dyed, and was buryed, and Eleazer hys sonne became preast in hys stead: |
10:7 | From thence they departed vnto Gadgad: & from Gadgad to Iathbath a land which hath riuers of water. |
10:8 | The same ceason the Lorde separated the trybe of Leui to beare the arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde, & to stande before the Lorde, & to ministre vnto hym & to blesse in his name vnto thys daye. |
10:9 | Wherfore the Leuites haue no parte nor enheritaunce wyth theyr brethren: But the Lorde is theyr enheritaunce, as the Lorde thy God hath promysed them. |
10:10 | And I taryed in the mount, euen as at the fyrst time .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes, and the Lorde herkened vnto me at that tyme also, & the Lorde wolde not destroye the. |
10:11 | And the Lorde sayde vnto me: vp, and go forth in the iourneys before the people, that they maye go in, and conquere the lande which I sware vnto theyr fathers, to geue vnto them. |
10:12 | And nowe Israel, what doth the Lord thy God requier of the but to feare the Lorde thy God, and to walke in all hys wayes, to loue hym, and to serue the Lorde thy God with all thyne herte & with all thy soule: |
10:13 | Namely, that thou kepe the commaundmentes of the Lorde, and hys ordinaunces whych I commaunde the thys daye, for thy welth. |
10:14 | Beholde, heauen and the heauen of heauens is the Lordes thy God, and the erth wyth all that therin is: |
10:15 | Notwythstondynge, the Lord had a lust vnto thy fathers to loue them, and chose theyr seed after them, euen you, aboue all nacyons, as thou seest thys daye. |
10:16 | Circumcyse therfore the foreskynne of youre harte, and be no more stiffnecked: |
10:17 | For the Lorde your God, is God of Goddes, and Lorde of Lordes, a greate God, a myghtye and a terrible whych regardeth no mans person nor taketh gyfte: |
10:18 | He doeth ryght vnto the fatherlesse & wedowe, and loueth the straunger, to geue hym fode and rayment. |
10:19 | Loue ye therfore the straunger also: for ye were straungers youre selues in the lande of Egypte. |
10:20 | Thou shalt feare the Lorde thy God, & hym (onely) shalt thou serue, to hym shalt thou cleue, and swere by hys nam |
10:21 | he is thy prayse and thy God, that hath done for the these greate and terrible thynges, whych thyne eyes haue sene. |
10:22 | Thy fathers went doune in to Egypte with .lxx. soules, and nowe the Lorde thy God hath made the & multiplyed the, as the starres of heauen. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."