
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


14:1O Israell, turne the nowe, vnto the Lorde thy God, for thou hast taken a greate fall thorowe thy wickednes.
14:2Take these wordes with you, when ye turne to the Lorde, and saye vnto hym: O, forgeue vs all oure synnes, receaue vs graciously, & then wyll we offre the bullockes of oure lyppes vnto the:
14:3Assur shalbe nomore oure helper, nether will we ryde vpon horses eny more. As for the worckes of oure handes, we wyll nomore call vpon them: For it is thou that art oure God, thou shewest euer mercye vnto the fatherlesse.
14:4O (yf they wolde do this) I shulde heale theyr sores: yee, with all my herte wolde I loue them: so that my wrath shulde cleane be turned awaye from them.
14:5Yee, I wolde be vnto Israel as the dewe, and he shulde growe as the lylie, and hys rote shulde breake out as Libanus.
14:6His braunches shulde sprede out abroade and be as fayre as the olyue tre and smell as Libanus.
14:7They that dwell vnder hys shadowe, shulde come agayne, and growe vp as the corne, & floryshe as the vyne he shulde haue as good a name, as the wyne of Libanus.
14:8O Ephraim, what haue I to do wyth Idols eny more? I wyll graciously heare hym, and sede hym forth. I wyll be vnto the as a grene fyrre tre, vpon me shalt thou fynde thy frute.
14:9Who so is wise, shall vnderstand thys: and he that is ryght enstructe, wyll regarde it. For the wayes of the Lorde are ryghteous, soch as be Godly wyll walke in them. As for the wycked, they wyll stomble therin.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."