
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539



5:1O ye prestes: heare this, take hede, O the housholde of Israel: gene care, O thou kyngly house, for it wer youre parte to se Iudgement done, but you are become a snare vnto Myzphah, and a spred net vnto the mount of Thabor.
5:2They kyll sacrifyces by heapes, And turne farre from the Lord, & I haue bene a rebuker of them all.
5:3I know Ephraim well ynough, & Israel is not hyd fro me: for Ephraim is become an harlot: & Israel is defyled.
5:4They are not mynded to turne vnto their God, for they haue an whorysh hert, so that they cannot knowe the Lord.
5:5But the pryde of Israel will be rewarded him in hys face, yee, both Israell & Ephraim shall fall for theyr wickednesse, and Iuda wt them also.
5:6They shall come with their shepe and bullockes to seke the Lorde, but they shall not fynde him, for he is gone from them.
5:7As for the Lorde, they haue refused him, and brought vp bastarde children: a moneth therfore shall deuoure them with their porcyons.
5:8Blowe with the shawmes at Gibea, and wt the trompet in Ramah, crye out at Bethauen vpon the yonsyde of BenIamin.
5:9In the tyme of the plage shall Ephraim he layed waste, therfore dyd I faythfully warne the trybes of Israel.
5:10Yet are the princes of Iuda become lyke them that remoue the landemarckes, therfore wyll I poure out my wrath vpon them lyke water.
5:11Ephraim is oppressed, & can haue no right of the lawe: for why? they folowe the doctrynes of vngodly men.
5:12Therfore will I be vnto Ephraim as a moth, and to the house of Iuda as a caterpyller.
5:13When Ephraim sawe hys sycknesse, and Iuda hys dysease, Ephraim wente vnto Assur, and sent vnto kyng Iareb: yet coulde not he helpe you, ner ease you of your payne.
5:14I am vnto Ephraim as a lyon, and as a lyons whelpe to the house of Iuda. Euen, I will spoyle them, & go my waye. I wyll take them wyth me, and no man shall rescue them.
5:15I will go, and returne to my place, tyll they knowledge that they haue synned and seke me.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."