
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


1:1These are the Sermons of Ieremy the sonne of Helkiah the Preste, one of them that dwelt at Anathoth in the lande of Ben Iamin:
1:2when the Lorde had fyrst spoken with him, in the tyme of Iosiah the sonne of Amon kynge of Iuda, in the .xiij. yeare of his reygne:
1:3and so durynge vnto the tyme of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosiah kynge of Iuda, and vntyll the .xi. yeare of Zedekiah the sonne of Iosiah kynge of Iuda were ended: when Ierusalem was taken, euen in the fyfth Moneth.
1:4The worde of the Lorde spake thus vnto me:
1:5Before I fasshioned the in thy mothers wombe, I dyd knowe the. And or euer thou wast borne, I sanctifyed the, and ordeyned the, to be a prophete vnto the people.
1:6Then sayde I: Oh Lorde God, I canne not speake, for I am yet but younge.
1:7And the Lorde answered me thus: Saye not so, I am to younge: For thou shalt goo to all that I shall sende the vnto, and whatsoeuer I commaunde the, that shalt thou speake.
1:8Be not afrayed of their faces, for I am with the, to delyuer the, sayeth the Lorde.
1:9And with that, the Lorde stretched oute his hande, and touched my mouth, & the same lorde sayde vnto me. Behold, I put my wordes in thy mouth,
1:10and beholde thys daye do I set the ouer the people & kyngdomes: that thou mayest rote out, breake of, destroye, & make waste: and that thou mayest buylde vp & plante.
1:11After this, the Lorde spake vnto me sayinge: Ieremy, what seyst thou? And I sayde: I se a rodde of an almond tree.
1:12Then sayde the Lorde vnto me: thou hast sene right, for I wyll make haste spedelye vpon my worde, to perfourme it.
1:13It happened afterwarde, that the Lorde spake to me agayne, and sayde: What seest thou? And I sayde: I do se a seethynge pot, lokynge from out of the north.
1:14Then sayde the Lorde vnto me: Out of the north shall come a plage vpon all the dwellers of the lande.
1:15For lo I wyll call all the kinredes of the kyngdomes of the north (sayeth the Lorde.) And they shall come, & euery one shall sett his seate in the gates of Ierusalem, and in all their walles rounde aboute & in all cyties of Iuda.
1:16And thorowe them shall I declare my iudgement, vpon all the wyckednesse of those men that haue forsaken me: that haue burnt incense vnto straunge goddes, & worshypped the workes of there awne handes.
1:17And therfore girde vp thy loynes, aryse, and tell them all, that I geue the in commaundement. Feare them not, lest I destroye the before them.
1:18For beholde, this daye do I make the a stronge fensed towne, an yron pyler, and a brasen wall agaynst the whole lande, agaynst the kynges and myghtye men of Iuda, agaynst the prestes and people of the lande.
1:19They shall fyght agaynst the: but they shall not be able to ouercomme the for I am wyth the, to delyuer the, sayeth the Lorde.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."