
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


32:1Beholde, a king shall gouerne after the rule of ryghtewesnesse, and the princes shall rule, accordyng to the balaunce of equitye.
32:2And that man shalbe vnto men as a defence for the wynd, and as a refuge for the tempest: lyke as a riuer of water in a thirstye place, and the shadowe of a greate rocke in a drye lande.
32:3The eyes of the seynge shall not be dym, and the cares of them that heare, shall take diligent hede.
32:4The hert of the vnwyse shall attayne to knowledge, and the vnparfyte tong shall speake playnely and distinctlye.
32:5Then shall the folyshe nygarde be nomore called gentle, ner the churle liberall.
32:6But the nygarde will be nigardly minded, and his hert wyll worke euell and playe the ypocrite, and ymagyn abhominations agaynst God, to make the hongry leane, and to witholde drincke from the thirsty.
32:7These are the perlous weapons of the churlysh, these be his shamefull councels: that he maye begyle the poore with disceatfull wordes: yee, euen there as he shulde geue sentence with the poore.
32:8But the lyberall persone ymagineth honest thynges, & commeth vp for liberalytie vnto promotyon:
32:9Up (ye ryche and ydell women) herken vnto my voyce. Ye careles cities, marke my wordes.
32:10After yeares and dayes shall ye be brought in feare, O ye careles cities. For haruest shalbe out, & the grape gatherynge shall not come.
32:11O ye rych ydell cities ye that feare no parell. Be abashed, you that lyue in aboundaunce: tremble, you that lyue careles: cast of your rayment, make your selues bare, put sacke cloth aboute you.
32:12For as the infantes wepe when their mothers tetes ar dryed: so shall you weape for your fayre feldes and frutefull vyneyardes.
32:13My peoples felde shall brynge thornes and thistles: and so shall it be euen in euery house of volupteousnesse and in euery citye that reioyseth.
32:14The palaces also shalbe broken, & the greatly occupyed cityes desolate. The towres and bulwarckes shall become dennes for euermore, the pleasure of mules shalbe turned to pasture for shepe:
32:15vnto the tyme that the sprete be powred vpon vs from aboue. Then shall the wyldernes be a frutefull felde, and the plenteous feld shalbe rekened for a wodde.
32:16Then shall equytie dwell in the desert, and rigteousnes in a frutefull land.
32:17And the rewarde of righteousnesse shalbe peace, and her frute rest & quietnes for euer.
32:18And my people shall dwell in the ynnes of peace, and in sure dwellinges in safe places of conforte.
32:19And when the hayle falleth, it shall fall in the wodde, and the citye shalbe set lowe in the valleye.
32:20O howe happy shall ye be, when ye shall safely sowe your seed besyde all waters, and dryue thyther the fete of your oxen and asses.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."