
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


10:1Wo be vnto them that make vnryghteous lawes, & deuyse thinges, which be to harde for to kepe:
10:2wher thorow the poore are oppressed, on euery syde, and the innocentes of my people robbed of iudgement: that wyddowes maye be theyr praye, and that they maye robbe the fatherlesse.
10:3What will ye do in tyme of the visitacyon, and whan destruccion shall come from farre? To whom wyll ye ronne for helpe? and to whom wyll ye geue youre honoure, that he maye kepe it?
10:4that when I with drawe my hande ye come not amonge the presoners, or lye amonge the deed? After all this doth not the wrath of the Lord ceasse, but yet is his hande stretched out styll.
10:5Wo be also vnto Assur, which is a staf of my wrath, in whose hande is the rod of my punyshement.
10:6I shall sende hym amonge those ypocritish people, amonge the people that haue deserued my dysfauoures shall I send hym: that he may vtterly robbe them, spoyle them, and treade them downe lyke the myre in the strete.
10:7Howbeit, his meanyng is not so nether thynketh his hert of thys fasshyon. But he ymagineth onely, how he may rote out and destroye moch people,
10:8for he sayeth are not my Prynces all Kynges?
10:9Is not Calno as easye to wynne, as Charchamis? Is it harder to conquere Hamath then Arphad? Or is it lyghter to ouercome Damascus then Samaria?
10:10As who say: I were able to wynne the Kyngdome of the Idolaters and their goddes: but not Ierusalem & Samaria.
10:11Shal I not do vnto Ierusalem & their ymages, as I dyd vnto Samaria and their ydoles?
10:12Wherfore the Lord sayeth: Assone as I haue perfourmed my whole worcke vpon the hyll of Syon and Ierusalem, then wyll I vyset the noble and stoute hart of the kynge of Assyria, with hys proude lookes.
10:13For he standeth thus in his awne conceate: This do I thorowe the power of myne awne hande, and thorow my wysdome: For I am wyse, I am he that remoue the landes of the people: I robbe their treasures: and (lyke one of the worthyes) I dryue them from their hye seates.
10:14My hande hath founde out the strength of the people, as it were a nest. And lyke as egges, that were layde here and there, are gathered together: So do I gather all countrees. And there is no man, that darre be so bolde, as to touch a fether, that darre open his mouth, or once whysper.
10:15Shall the axe boast it selfe, agaynst him that heweth therwith? or doth the sawe make eny bragging agaynst him that ruleth it? That were euen lyke, as yf the rod dyd exalte it selfe agaynst him that beareth it: or as though the staff shulde magnifye it selfe, as who saye: it were no wood.
10:16Therfore shal the Lord of hostes send him amonge his fatlinges leanes, & burne vp his glory, as it were wt a fyre.
10:17But the lyght of Israel shalbe that fyre, and his Sanctuary shalbe the flamme and it shall kyndle, and burne vp his thornes and breers in one daye,
10:18yee all the glory of his woddes and feldes shalbe consumed with body & soule: And they shalbe as an hoost of men, whose standerd bearer fayleth.
10:19The trees also of hys felde which remayne, shalbe of soch a nombre, that a childe maye tell them.
10:20After that daye shall the remnaunt of Israel, & soch as are escaped out of the house of Iacob, seke nomore conforte at him that smote them, but with faythfulnesse & treuth shal they trust vnto the Lord, the holy one of Israel.
10:21The remnaunt, euen the Posteryte of Iacob, shall conuerte vnto God the myghty one.
10:22For though thy people (O Israel) be as the lande of the see, yet shal the remnaunt of them conuerte in hym. Perfecte is the iudgement of him that floweth in ryghteousnesse,
10:23and therfore the Lorde of hostes shall perfectly fulfyll the thynge, that he hath determined in the myddest of the whole worlde
10:24Therfore thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes: Thou my people, that dwellest in Syon, be not afrayed, for the kynge of the Assirians: He shal smyte the with a rodd, & shal wagg his staff at the, as the Egypcians dyd some tyme:
10:25But soone after, shall my wrath and myne indignacion be fulfylled in the destruccion of them.
10:26Moreouer, the Lord of Hostes shall prepare a scourge for him, lyke as was the slaughter of Madian vpon the rock of Oreb. And he shall lyft vp his rodd ouer the see, as he dyd somtyme ouer the Egypcians.
10:27Then shall hys burthen be taken from thy shoulders, and his yock from thy neck, yee, the same yock shall be corrupte for very fatnesse.
10:28He shall come to Aiath, and go thorow toward Mygron: at Mychmas shall he laye vp his harnesse,
10:29and go ouer the foorde. Gybea shall be their restynge place, Rhamah shalbe a frayed, Gybea Saul shall flye awaye.
10:30The voyce of the noyes of thy horses (O daughter Gallim) shalbe herde vnto Lays & to Anathoth, which also shalbe in trouble.
10:31Madmena shall tremble for reare, but the citesins of Gabin are manly,
10:32yet shal he remayne at Nob that daye. After that, shal he lyft vp hys hande agaynst the mount of the daughter Syon, the hyll of Ierusalem.
10:33But se, the Lord God of hostes shall take awaye the proude from thence, with feare. He shall hewe downe the proude, & fel the hye mynded.
10:34The busshes also of the wood shal he rote out with yron, and Lybanus shall haue a myghtye fall.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."