
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


24:1Beholde the lord maketh the earth wayst and emptye: he turneth it vp syde downe, & scatreth abrode the inhabitours therof:
24:2And the prest shalbe as the people, & the master as the seruaunt, the mastresse lyke the mayd, the seller lyke the byer: he that lendeth vpon vsury, lyke hym that boroweth vpon vsury: the creditoure as the detter.
24:3The worlde shalbe cleane wasted & vtterly spoyled, for so the lorde hath spoken.
24:4The earth is sory & consumeth awaye, the worlde is feble & perisheth, the proude people of the erth are come to naught
24:5The earth also is become vnprofitable vnder the inhabitours therof, which haue transgressed the lawes, chaunged the ordinaunce, broken the euerlasting couenaunt.
24:6Therfore hath the curse consumed the earth, and they that dwell therin, are fallen into trespace. Wherfore, the inhabitours of the earth are perished with drouth, and fewe men are left behynde.
24:7The wyne faileth: the vyne hath no myght, all they that haue bene mery of hart, are come to mournyng.
24:8The myrth of tabrettes is layed downe, the noyse of such as haue made mery, is ceassed, the ioye at the herpe is at an ende.
24:9They shall drynke nomore wyne wt myrth, strong drynke shalbe bytter to them that drynke it.
24:10The citye of vanite is broken downe, euery house is shut vp, that noman maye come in.
24:11In the stretes is there a cryeng because of wyne, all chere is vanished awaye, the myrth of the worlde is gone,
24:12in the citye is left desolacyon and the gate is smytten with destruccion.
24:13For in the myddes of the worlde, euen amonge the people, it shall come to passe, as at the shakyng of Olyues, and as the grapes are whan the wyne haruest is done.
24:14They shall lyft vp theyr voyce: and make a mery noyse, and in magnifyeng of the Lord shall they crye out of the west.
24:15Wherfore, prayse ye the lord in the valleys, euen the name of the lord God of Israel in the Iles of the see
24:16From the vttemost parte of the earth haue we heard prayses and myrth because of the ryghteous. And I sayd: I knowe a thyng in secrete, I knowe a thyng in secrete, wo is me, the transgressours haue offended, the transgressours haue greuously offended.
24:17Fearfulnesse, the pytt and the snare are vpon the, O thou that dwellest in the earth.
24:18It will come to passe, that whoso escapeth the fearfull noyse, shall fall in to the pytt. And he that commeth vp out of the pytt, shalbe taken wyth the snare. For the wyndowes from an hye are open, and the foundacions of the earth are moued.
24:19The earth is vtterly broken downe, the earth hath a sore ruyne, the earth quaketh exceadyngly.
24:20The earth shall rele to & fro lyke a dronkerd, and shalbe remoued lyke a like a tent & the iniquitie therof shalbe heuy vpon it. It shall fall, & not rise vp agayne.
24:21And in that daye shall the Lord viset the host aboue that is on hye: & the kinges of the world that are vpon the erth.
24:22And they shalbe gathered together, as they that be in preson: & they shalbe shut vp in warde, & after many daies shall they be visited.
24:23The mone shall be abashed, and the sunne ashamed, when the Lorde of hostes shall raygne in mount Sion and in Ierusalem with worshyp, and in the syght of such as shalbe of hys councell.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."