
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


43:1But nowe, the Lorde that made the O Iacob, and he that fashyoned the: O Israel, sayeth thus: Feare not, for I haue redemed the. I haue called the by name: thou art myne awne.
43:2Yf thou goest thorow the water, I wilbe with the, that the stronge floudes shulde not pluck the awaye. And yf thou walckest thorowe the fyre, it shall not burne the, and the flame shall not kyndle vpon the.
43:3For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel, thy Sauioure. I gaue Egypte for thy deliueraunce, the Morians & the Sabees for the:
43:4because thou wast deare in my syght, and because I set by the, and loued the. I wyll geue ouer all men for the, and delyuer vp all people for thy sake,
43:5feare not: for I am with the. I wyll bringe thy sede from the East, and gather the together from the west.
43:6I wyll saye to the North, lett go. And to the South, kepe not backe: but bring me my sonnes from farre, and my daughters from the endes of the worlde.
43:7Namely, all those that be called after my name. For them haue I created, fashyoned, & made for myne honour.
43:8Bringe forth that people, which is blinde & yet hath eyes, which are deafe although they haue eares.
43:9If all nacions come in one and be gathered together, which amonge them shall declare soche thynges, and tell vs what is to come? Let them brynge theyr witnesse so shall they be fre: els, let them heare, and saye, it is truth.
43:10You are my witnesses (sayth the Lorde) and my seruaunt, whom I haue chosen: therfore be certified and geue me faithfull credence: and consydre, that I am he, before whom there was neuer any God, and that ther shalbe none after me.
43:11I am euen, I am the only Lorde and beside me ther is no Sauioure.
43:12I gaue warninge, I made whole I taught you when there was no straunge God amonge you. And this recorde must ye beare me youre selues, (sayth the Lord) that I am God.
43:13And euen he am I from the begynnynge, and there is none that can take any thynge out of my hande. I do the worke and who shall be able to let it.
43:14Thus sayeth the Lorde the holy one of Israel youre redemer: for youre sake I haue sent to Babylon, and brought downe the strongest of them. All they are fugityue with the Chaldees that boost them of theyr shyppes:
43:15Euen I the Lorde youre holy one which haue made Israel, and am youre kynge.
43:16Thus sayeth the Lorde (euen he that maketh a waye in the see, & a footpath in the myghty waters:)
43:17which bringeth forth the charettes & horses, the hoste & the power of warre, that they may fall and neuer ryse, and be extincte, lyke as towe is quenched.
43:18Remembre not thynges of olde, and regarde nothinge that is past.
43:19Beholde I shall make a newe thynge, and shortly shall it appeare, & shall you not knowe it? I wyll make stretes in the deserte, and ryuers of water in the wyldernes:
43:20The wylde beastes shall worshyppe me: the dragons, and the yonge Estriches. For I shall geue water in the wyldernes, and streames in the desert: that may geue drincke to my people, whom I chose.
43:21Thys people haue I made for my self, and they shall shewe forth my prayse.
43:22For thou (Iacob) woldest not call vpon me, but thou haddest an vnlust towarde me, O Israel.
43:23Thou gauest me not thy beastes for burntofferinges nether dydest honour me with thy sacrifyces. Thou boughtest me no deare spyce with thy money, nether pouredest the fat of thy sacrifyces vpon me. Howbeit I haue not bene chargeable vnto the in offeringes, nether greuous in incense.
43:24But thou hast laden me with thy synnes, & weryed me with thyne vngodlynes.
43:25Where as I yet, euen I am he onely, that for myne awne selfes sake do awaye thyne offences, and forget thy synnes: so that I will neuer thincke vpon them.
43:26Put me now in remembraunce (for we wyll reason together) and shewe what thou hast for the, to make the ryghteous.
43:27Thy fyrst father offended sore, and thy rulers haue synned agaynst me.
43:28Therfore I ether suspended, or slue the chefest prynces. I dyd curse Iacob, and gaue Israel into reprofe.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."