
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539



26:1It happened, that in the eleuenth yeare, the fyrst daye of the moneth the worde of the Lord came vnto me, sayenge:
26:2Thou sonne of man, because that Tyre hath spoken vpon Ierusalem: A, ha, now I trowe the portes of the people be broken, and she turned vnto me, for now that she is destroyed I shall be fylled.
26:3Yee, therfore, sayeth the Lord God: Beholde O Tyre, I will vpon the, I will bringe a great multitude of people agaynst the, lyke as when the see aryseth with his waues:
26:4These shall breake the walles of Tyre, and cast downe her towres: I will scrape the grounde from her, and make her a bare stone:
26:5yee, as the dryenge place, where the fysshers hange vp theyr nettes by the see syde. Euen I haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God. The Gentyls shall spoyle her:
26:6her daughters vpon the felde shall perysh wt the swearde, that they maye knowe how that I am the Lorde.
26:7For thus sayeth the Lord God: Behold, I will bring hither Nabuchodonosor (which is the kynge of Babylon, and a kynge of kynges) from the North vpon Tyre: wt horses, charettes, horssmen, and with a greate multitude of people.
26:8Thy daughters that are in the land, shall he slaye with the sweard: but agaynst the, he shall make bullworkes and graue vp dyches aboute the, and lyft vp hys shylde agaynst the.
26:9Hys slynges and batelrammes shal he prepare for thy walles, and wt his weapens breake downe thy towres.
26:10The dust of hys horses shall couer the, they shalbe so many: thy walles shall shake at the noyse of the horsmen, charettes and wheles when he commeth to thy portes, as men do into an open cytie.
26:11With the hoffes of his horse fete, shall he treade downe all thy stretes. He shal slaye the people with the sweard, and breake downe the pylers of thy strength.
26:12They shall waste awaye thy ryches, and spoyle thy marchaundyse. Thy walles shall they breake downe, and destroye thy houses of pleasure. Thy stones, thy tymbre and foundacyons shall they cast in the water.
26:13Thus will I bring the melody of thy songes, and the voyce of thy mynstrelsy to an ende, so that they shall nomore be herde.
26:14I will make a bare stone of the, yee, a dryinge place for nettes, & thou shalt neuer be buylded agayne: For euen I the Lord haue spoken it, sayeth the Lorde God:
26:15thus hath the Lorde God spoken concernynge Tyre. The Iles shall be moued at the noyse of thy fall, & at the crye of the slayne, that shall be murthered in the.
26:16All kynges of the see shall come downe from theyr seates regall: they shall laye awaye theyr roabes, and put of theyr costly clothynge. Yee, with tremblinge shall they be clothed, they shall syt vpon the ground: they shalbe afrayed at thy soden fall, and be abasshed at the.
26:17They shall mourne for the, and saye vnto the. O thou noble cytie, that hast bene so greatly occupyed of olde, thou that hast bene the strongest vpon the see with thyne inhabytours, of whom al men stode in feare. How arte thou nowe so vtterly destroyed?
26:18Now at the tyme of thy fall the inhabytours of the Iles, yee, and the Iles them selues, shall stande in feare at thy ende.
26:19For thus sayeth the Lorde God: when I make the a desolate cytie (as other cyties be, that no man dwell in) and when I bringe the depe vpon the that greate waters maye couer the.
26:20Then wil I cast the downe vnto them, that descende into the pitte: vnto a people that hath bene longe deed, and set the in a lande that is beneth, lyke the olde wildernes, with them which go downe to theyr graues, so that no man shall dwell more in the. And I will make the to be nomore in honoure, in the lande of the lyuinge.
26:21I will make an ende of the, and thou shalt be gone. Though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou not be founde for euermore, sayeth the Lorde God.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."