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Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539



23:1The worde of the Lord came vnto me sayeng:
23:2Thou sonne of man, there were two wemen, that had one mother.
23:3These (when they were yonge) beganne to playe the harlottes in Egypt. There were theyr brestes brosed, & the pappes of theyr maydenhead did the Egyptians destroye.
23:4The eldest of them was called Oholah & her yongest syster Oholibah. These two were my wyues, & bare sonnes & daughters. Theyr names were Samaria, & that was Oholah: & Ierusalem, that was Oholibah.
23:5As for Oholah she beganne to go a whoring, when I had taken her to me. She was sett on fyre vpon her louers the Assirians
23:6as her neybours which had to do wt her: euen the princes & Lordes that were deckte in costly araye fayre yonge men, lusty ryders of horses.
23:7Thus thorow her whordome, she cleued vnto all the yonge men of Assiria. Yee, she was madd vpon them, & defyled her selfe wt all theyr Idols.
23:8Nether ceassed she from the fornicacyon, that she vsed wt the Egypcians: for in her youth they laye wt her, they brosed the brestes of her maydenhead, & poured theyr whordome vpon her.
23:9Wherfore, I delyuered her into the handes of her louers, euen the Assirians, whom she so loued.
23:10These discouered her shame, toke her sonnes & daughters, & slewe her wt the sweard: An euel name gat she of all people, and they punished her.
23:11Her sister Oholibah sawe this, and destroyed her selfe wt inordynate loue, more then she, & exceded her syster in whordom
23:12she loued the Assirians (which also laye wt her) namely, the princes & greate lordes, that were clothed wt al maner of gorgious apparell all lusty horsmen & fayre yonge personnes.
23:13Then I sawe, that they both were defyled a lyke.
23:14But she increased styll in whordome, for when she sawe men paynted vpon the wall, the ymages of the Caldees sett forth wt fressh couloures,
23:15wt fayre gyrdles about them & goodly bonettes vpon theyr heades, lokynge all lyke prynces (after the maner of the Babylonyans and Chaldees in theyr awne lande where they be borne)
23:16immediatly, as soone as she sawe them, she brent in loue vpon them, and sente messaungers for them into the lande of the Chaldees.
23:17Now when the Babylonyans came to her, they laye with her and defyled her with theyr whordome, and so was she polluted with them. And when her lust was abated from them,
23:18her whordome and shame was discouered and sene: then my herte forsoke her, lyke as my herte was gone from her syster also.
23:19Neuerthelesse, she vsed her whordome euer the longer the more, and remembred the dayes of her youth, wherin she had played the harlot in the lande of Egypt:
23:20she brent in lust vpon them, whose fleshe was lyke the flesh of Asses, and theyr sede lyke the sede of horses.
23:21Thus thou hast renued the fylthynesse of the youth, when thy louers brosed thy pappes, and marred thy brestes in Egypte.
23:22Therfore (O Oholibah) thus sayeth the Lord God: I will rayse vp thy louers (wt whom thou hast satysfyed thy lust) against the, and gather them together rounde about the:
23:23namely the Babylonians, and all the Chaldees, rulers, mightye men & tyrauntes, wt all the Assirians: all yonge & fayre louers: princes and Lordes, knyghtes and gentelmen, which be all good horsmen.
23:24These shall come vpon the with horses, charrettes, and a greate multitude of people: which shalbe harnessed aboute the on euery syde, wt brestplates, shyldes & helmettes. I wyll punish the before them, yee, they them selues shall punysh the, accordynge to theyr awne iudgement.
23:25I will put my gelousy vpon the, so that they shal deale cruelly with the. They shall cut of thy nose and thyne eares, and the remnaunt shall fall thorow the swearde. They shall cary awaye thy sonnes and daughters, and the resydue shalbe brent in the fyre.
23:26They shall strype the out of thy clothes, and cary thy costly Iewels awaye with them.
23:27Thus wyll I make an ende of thy fylthynesse and whordome, which thou hast brought oute of the lande of Egypte: so that thou shalt turne thyne eyes nomore after them, and cast thy mynde nomore vpon Egypte.
23:28For thus sayeth the Lorde beholde I will delyuer the into the handes of them, whom thou hatest, yee, euen into the handes of them, with whom thou hast fulfylled thy lust,
23:29whych shall deale cruelly wyth the. All thy laboure shall they take with them, and leaue the naked and bare, and thus the shame of thy fylthye whordome shall come to lyght.
23:30All these thynges shall happen vnto the, because of thy whordome which thou hast vsed amonge the Gentyls wyth whose Idols thou hast defyled thy self.
23:31Thou hast walcked in the waye of thy syster, therfore wyll I geue the her cuppe in thy hande.
23:32Thus sayeth the Lord God: Thou shalt dryncke of thy systers cuppe, how depe and farre so euer it be to the botome. Thou shalt be laughed to scorne, and had as greatly in derisyon, as is possible.
23:33Thou shalt be full of dronkennes and sorowe, for the cuppe of thy syster Samaria is a cuppe of destruccion and wastynge:
23:34the same shalt thou dryncke, and suppe it out euen to the dregges, yee, thou shalt eat vp the broken peces of it, & so teare thyne awne brestes: For euen I haue spoken it sayeth the Lorde God.
23:35Therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so moch as thou hast forgotten me, and cast me aside behinde the, so beare now thyne awne fylthines and whordome.
23:36The Lorde sayde moreouer vnto me: Thou sonne of man wilt thou not reproue Oholah and Oholibah? Shewe them theyr abhominacions:
23:37namely that they haue broken theyr wedlocke, & stayned theyr handes wt bloude: yee, euen wt theyr ydoles haue they commytted aduoutry and offred them by the fyre theyr awne children (to be deuoured) whom they had borne vnto me.
23:38Yee, & thys haue they done vnto me also: they haue defyled my Sanctuary in that same daye, & haue vnhalowed my Sabboth.
23:39For when they had slayne theyr children for theyr Idols, they came the same daye into my Sanctuary to defyle it. Lo, thys haue they done in my house:
23:40Besyde all thys, thou hast sent they messaungers for men out of farre countrees: & when they came, thou hast bathed & painted thyne eyes wt colours, trymmed & set forth thy self of the best fassion:
23:41thou sattest vpon a goodly bed and a table spred before the: wherupon thou hast set myne incense and myne oyle.
23:42Then was there great chere with her to optayne peace, and though with those men many men came, yet were ther also brought, men of Sabba from the wildernesse: which gaue them bracelettes vpon theyr handes, & sett glorious crownes vpon theyr heades:
23:43and I sayde vnto her: that seynge she was stryken in age in her whordommes: now shall her fornycations come to an end wt her.
23:44And they wente into her as vnto a comen harlot Euen so went they, (I say) to Oholah & Oholibah those fylthy wemen.
23:45O all ye that loue vertue & ryghteousnes, iudge them, punishe them: as aduoutrers & murtherers ought to be iudged & punished. For they are breakers of wedlocke, & the bloude is in theyr handes.
23:46Wherfore thus sayeth the Lorde God I wil bringe a greate multitude of people vpon them, & make them be scatred & spoyled:
23:47these shall stone them, & gore them wt theyr sweardes. They shal slaye theyr sonnes & daughters, and burne vp theyr houses with fyre.
23:48Thus wyll I destroye all soch fylthynes out of the land: that all wemen maye learne, not to do after your vnclennes.
23:49And so they shall laye your fylthynes vpon your awne selues, and ye shalbe punyshed for the synnes that ye haue commytted with your Idols: and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde God.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."