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Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539



7:1The worde of the Lorde came vnto me on thys maner:
7:2The I call, O thou sonne of man. Thus sayeth the Lorde God vnto the lande of Israel: The ende commeth, vpon the lande of Israel yee, verely the ende commeth vpon all the foure corners of the lande.
7:3But nowe shall the ende come vpon the for I wyll sende my wrath vpon the, & will punyshe the: accordynge to thy wayes, & rewarde the after all thyne abhominacions.
7:4Myne eye shall not ouerse the, nether will I spare the: but rewarde the, accordyng to thy wayes, and declare thyne abhominacyons. Then shall ye knowe, that I am the Lorde.
7:5Thus sayeth the Lord God: Beholde, one misery and plage shall come after another.
7:6the ende is here. The ende (I saye) is come, it watched for the, beholde it is come all ready,
7:7thy destructyon is erlye come agaynst the, that dwellest in the lande. The tyme is at hande, the daye of sedicion is harde by, & the crye shall not be as the soundinge agayne of the mountaynes.
7:8Therfore, I wyll shortly pour out my sore displeasure ouer the, and fulfyll my wrath vpon the. I wyll iudge the after thy wayes, and recompence the all thy abhominacyons.
7:9Myne eye shall not ouerse the, nether wyll I spare the: but rewarde the after thy wayes, & thyne abhominacions shall be punished in the middes of the, to learne you for to knowe, howe that I am the Lord that smyteth.
7:10Beholde, the daye is here the daye is come, the houre is runne out, the rodde florisheth, pryde waxeth grene,
7:11malicyous violence is growne vp, and the vngodly waxen to a staf. None of them shal remayne ouer, none of their riches, not one of ther seede, and no lamentacion shall be made for them.
7:12The tyme commeth, the daye draweth nye: Who so byeth, lett him not reioyce: he that selleth, let hym not be sory: for why. Trouble shall come in the myddest of them all:
7:13so that the seller shall not come agayne to the thinge he solde, all though theyr lyfe be yet with the lyuinge. For when the prophecye was preached vnto all the people, none returned from ther synne, and noman toke strengthe to him agenst his wyckednesse, to saue his awne lyfe.
7:14The trompettes shall ye blowe, & make you all ready, but no man shall goo to the battell, for I am wroth with all the whole multitude.
7:15The swearde shalbe without, pestilence and honger wythin: so that whoso is in the felde, shalbe slayne with the swearde: and he that is in the cytie shall perysh with honger and pestilence.
7:16And soch as escape and fle from amonge them, shall be vpon the hylles, lyke as the doues in the felde: euery one shalbe afrayed, because of his awne wyckednesse.
7:17All handes shalbe let downe, & all knees shalbe weake as the water:
7:18they shall gyrde them selues wyth sackcloth, feare shall fall vpon them. Theyr faces shalbe confounded, and theyr heades balde:
7:19theyr syluer shall they cast forthe in the stretes, & their golde shalbe despysed: Yee, theyr syluer & golde maye not delyuer them, in the daye of the fearfull wrath of the Lorde. They shall not satisfye their hongry soules, nether fyll their emptye bellyes therwt: For it is become their awne decaye thorow their wickednes:
7:20And ther bewtyfull costlye ornamente that God had ordeyned to be their great glorye, in it they haue sett vp abhominacyons vnto ther Idols. For this cause wyll I make them and it to be abhorred.
7:21Moreouer, I wyll geue it into the handes of the straungers to be spoyled: and to the wycked, for to be robbed, and they shall destroye it.
7:22My face wyll I turne from them, my treasury shalbe defiled: for the theues shall go into it, and suspende it.
7:23Make a cheyne, for the lande is whole defyled wyth vnryghteous iudgement of innocent bloude, and the cytie is full of violent oppressyon.
7:24Wherfore, I wyll bringe the most cruell tyrauntes from amonge the Heathen, to take theyr houses in possessyon. I wyll make the pompe of the proude to ceasse, and ther sanctuary shall be defyled.
7:25When thys trouble commeth, they shall seke peace, but they shall haue none.
7:26One myschefe and sorowe shall folowe another, and one rumoure shall come after another: Then shall they seke visyons in vayne at their Prophetes. The lawe shall be gone from the prestes, and wysdome from the elders.
7:27The kynge shall mourne, the Prynces shalbe clothed with heuynesse, and the handes of the people in the lande shall tremble for feare. I wyll do vnto them after theyr awne wayes, accordynge to their awne iudgementes wyll I iudge them: to learne them for to knowe, that I am the Lorde.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."