
Textus Receptus Bibles

William Tyndale Bible 1534

New Testament


1:1The Elder vnto the beloven Gayus whom I love in ye trueth.
1:2Beloved I wisshe in all thinges that thou prosperedest and faredest well eve as thy soule prospereth.
1:3I reioysed greatly when the brethren came and testified of the trueth that is in the how thou walkest in trouthe.
1:4I have no greater ioye then for to heare howe that my sonnes walke in veritie.
1:5Beloved thou doest faythfully what soever thou doest to the brethren and to straungers
1:6which bare witnes of thy love before all the congregacion. Which brethren whe thou bryngest forwardes on their iorney (as it besemeth god) thou shalt do well:
1:7because that for his names sake they went forth and toke nothinge of the gentyls.
1:8We therfore ought to receave soche that we also myght be helpers to the trueth.
1:9I wrote vnto the congregacio: but Diotrephes which loveth to have the preeminence amoge them receaveth vs not.
1:10Wherfore yf I come I will declare his dedes which he doeth iestinge on vs with malicious wordes nether is therewith content. Not only he him silfe receaveth not the brethre: but also he forbiddeth them that wolde and thrusteth them out of the congregacion.
1:1111Beloved folowe not that which is evyll but that which is good. He that doeth well is of God: but he yt doeth evyll seith not God.
1:12Demetrius hath good reporte of all men and of the trueth: ye and we oure selves also beare recorde and ye knowe that oure recorde is true.
1:13I have many thinges to wryte: but I will not with ynke and penne wryte vnto the.
1:14For I trust I shall shortly se the and we shall speake mouth to mouth. Peace be with the. The lovers salute the. Grete the lovers by name.
Tyndale Bible 1534

William Tyndale Bible 1534

William Tyndale was the first man to ever print the New Testament in the English language. Tyndale also went on to be the first to translate much of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew into English, but he was executed in 1536 for the "crime" of printing the scriptures in English before he could personally complete the printing of an entire Bible. His friends Myles Coverdale, and John [Thomas Matthew] Rogers, managed to evade arrest and publish entire Bibles in the English language for the first time, and within one year of Tyndale's death. These Bibles were primarily the work of William Tyndale.