
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


4:1And I say that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde, differeth not from a seruaunt thoughe he be Lorde of all,
4:2but is vnder tutours and gouernours, vntyll the tyme appoynted of the father.
4:3Euen so we as longe as we were chyldren, were in bondage vnder the ordinaunces of the world.
4:4But when the tyme was full come, God sente hys sonne made of a woman, and made bonde vnto the lawe,
4:5to redeme them which were vnder the lawe: that we thorowe eleccyon myght receyue the enheritaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes.
4:6Because ye are sonnes, God hath sent the spyryte of hys sonne into our hertes, whiche cryeth Abba father.
4:7Wherfore now thou art not a seruaunt but a sonne. Yf thou be the sonne, thou arte also the heyre of God thorowe Christe.
4:8Notwithstandynge when ye knewe not God ye dyd seruyce vnto them, which by nature were no Goddes.
4:9But nowe seynge, ye knowe God (yea rather are knowen of God) how is it that ye turne agayne to the weake & beggerly ceremonies, wherevnto agayne ye desyre a freshe to be in bondage?
4:10Ye obserue dayes, and monethes, and tymes, and yeares.
4:11I am in feare of you lest I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne.
4:12Brethren I beseche you, be ye as I am, for I am as ye are. Ye haue not hurte me at all.
4:13Ye knowe howe thorowe infyrmytye of the fleshe, I preached the Gospell vnto you at the fyrste.
4:14And my temptacion whiche I suffered by reason of my flesh, ye dispysed not, neyther abhorred, but receyued me as an Angell of God: yea as Christe Iesu.
4:15How happye were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it had bene possyble, ye woulde haue plucked oute youre owne eyes, and haue geuen them to me.
4:16Am I therfore become your enemye, because I tell you the truth?
4:17They are gelous ouer you amysse. Yea, they intende to exclude you, that ye should be feruent to them ward.
4:18It is good alwayes to be feruent, so it be in a good thinge, and not onelye when I am presente with you.
4:19My lytle chyldren (of whome I trauayle in byrth agayne vntyll Christe be fashyoned in you)
4:20I woulde I were with you now, and coulde chaunge my voyce, for I stande in a doubte of you.
4:21Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the law haue ye not heard of the law?
4:22For it is writen, that Abraham had two sonnes, the one by a bonde mayd the other by a fre woman.
4:23Yea and he whiche was of the bond woman, was borne after the fleshe: but he whiche was of the fre woman, was borne by promes.
4:24Whiche thynges betoken misterye. For these women are two testamentes the one from the mounte Syna, whiche gendreth to bondage whiche is Agar.
4:25For mounte Syna is called Agar in Arabia, and bordreth vpon the citie, which is nowe Hierusalem, and is in bondage with her chyldren.
4:26But Hierusalem, whiche is aboue, is fre, whiche is the mother of vs all.
4:27For it is written: Reioyce thou baren, that bearest no chyldren: breake forth and crye, thou that trauaylest not. For the desolate hath many more children then she whiche hath an husband.
4:28Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac children of promes.
4:29But as then he that was borne carnally, persecuted him that was borne spirytuallye. Euen so is it nowe.
4:30Neuerthelesse what sayth the scripture: put awaye the bond woman and her sonne. For the sonne of the bond woman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the fre woman.
4:31So then brethren we are not chyldren of the bonde woman, but of the fre woman.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.