
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


5:1When thou commest into the house of God, kepe thy fote & draw nye, that thou mayest heare: that is better then the offeringes of fooles, for they knowe not what euell they do.
5:2Be not hasty with thy mouth, & let not thyne herte speake any thyng rashly before God. For God is in heauen, & thou vpon earth, therfore let thy wordes be few.
5:3For where muche carefulnesse is, there are many dreames: and where many wordes are, there men may heare fooles.
5:4If thou make a vowe vnto God, be not slacke to perfourme it. As for folish vowes, he hath no pleasure in them.
5:5If thou promise any thynge, paye it: for better it is that thou make no vowe then that thou shouldest promyse, and not paye.
5:6Vse not thy mouth to cause thy flesh for to synne, that thou say not before the aungell: my foolishnesse is in the faute. For then God will be angry at thy voyce, & destroye all the workes of thyne handes.
5:7And why? where as are many dreames and many wordes, there are also diuerse vanities: but loke that thou feare God.
5:8If thou seyst the poore to be oppressed and wrongeously dealt withall, so that equite & the right of the law is wrasted in the lande: maruell not thou at such iudgement, for one great man kepeth touch with another, and the mightye helpe them selfes together.
5:9The whole lande also with the feldes and all that is therin, is in subiection & bondage vnto the kyng.
5:10He that loueth money, will neuer be satisfied wyth money: and who so deliteth in ryches, shall haue no profit therof. Is not this also a vayn thyng?
5:11Where as much ryches is, there are many also that spende them away. And what pleasure more hath he that possesseth them, sauyng that he may loke vpon them with hys eyes?
5:12A labouryng man slepeth swetely, whether it be litle or much that he eateth: but the aboundaunce of the ryche wil not suffre him to slepe.
5:13Yet is there a sore plague, whiche I haue sene vnder the sunne (namely) ryches kept to the hurt of him that hath them in possession.
5:14For oft tymes they perishe with his greate misery & trouble: and if he haue a chylde, it getteth nothynge.
5:15Lyke as he came naked out of his mothers wombe, so goeth he thyther agayn, and carieth nothing away with hym of all his labour.
5:16This is a miserable plage, that he shal go away euen as he came. What helpeth it hym then, that he hath labored in the wynde?
5:17All the dayes of his life also muste he eate in the darke, with greate carefulnesse, syckenesse and sorowe.
5:18Therefore me thincke it a better and a fayrer thinge a manne to eate and dryncke, and to be refreshied of all hys laboure, that he taketh vnder the Sunne all the dayes of hys lyfe which God geueth hym, for this is hys porcyon.
5:19For vnto whom soeuer God geueth ritches, goodes and power, he geueth it him to enioy it, to take it for hys porcyon, and to be refreshed of his laboure: thys is nowe the gyfte of God.
5:20For he thyncketh not muche how longe he shall lyue, for so much as God fylleth his herte with gladnesse.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.