
Textus Receptus Bibles

King James Bible 1611


11:1And when they came nigh to Hierusalem, vnto Bethphage, and Bethanie, at the mount of Oliues, hee sendeth foorth two of his disciples,
11:2And saith vnto them, Goe your way into the village ouer against you, and assoone as ye bee entred into it, yee shall finde a colt tied, whereon neuer man sate, loose him, and bring him.
11:3And if any man say vnto you, Why doe yee this? Say yee, that the Lord hath need of him: and straightway he will send him hither.
11:4And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the doore without, in a place where two wayes met: and they loose him.
11:5And certaine of them that stood there, said vnto them, What doe ye loosing the colt?
11:6And they said vnto them euen as Iesus had commanded: and they let them goe.
11:7And they brought the colt to Iesus, and cast their garments on him, and he sate vpon him.
11:8And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut downe branches of the trees, and strawed them in the way.
11:9And they that went before, and they that followed, cryed, saying, Hosanna, blessed is hee that commeth in the Name of the Lord.
11:10Blessed be the kingdome of our father Dauid, that commeth in the Name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.
11:11And Iesus entred into Hierusalem, and into the Temple, and when hee had looked round about vpon all things, & now the euentide was come, he went out vnto Bethanie with the twelue.
11:12And on the morow when they were come from Bethanie, hee was hungry.
11:13And seeing a figtree a farre off, hauing leaues, hee came, if haply hee might find any thing thereon, & when he came to it, hee found nothing but leaues: for the time of figs was not yet.
11:14And Iesus answered, and said vnto it, No man eate fruite of thee hereafter for euer. And his disciples heard it.
11:15And they come to Hierusalem, and Iesus went into the Temple, and beganne to cast out them that sold and bought in the Temple, and ouerthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doues,
11:16And would not suffer that any man should carie any vessell thorow the Temple.
11:17And he taught, saying vnto them, Is it not written, My house shalbe called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye haue made it a den of theeues.
11:18And the Scribes and chiefe Priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.
11:19And when Euen was come, Hee went out of the citie.
11:20And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried vp from the roots.
11:21And Peter calling to remembrance saith vnto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst, is withered away.
11:22And Iesus answering, saith vnto them, Haue faith in God.
11:23For verely I say vnto you, that whosoeuer shall say vnto this mountaine, Bee thou remoued, and bee thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall beleeue that those things which hee saith, shall come to passe: he shal haue whatsoeuer he saith.
11:24Therfore I say vnto you, What things soeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye receiue them, and ye shall haue them.
11:25And when ye stand, praying, forgiue, if ye haue ought against any: that your Father also which is in heauen, may forgiue you your trespasses.
11:26But if you doe not forgiue, neither will your Father which is in heauen, forgiue your trespasses.
11:27And they come againe to Hierusalem, and as he was walking in the Temple, there come to him the chiefe Priests, and the Scribes, & the Elders,
11:28And say vnto him, By what authoritie doest thou these things? and who gaue thee this authority to doe these things?
11:29And Iesus answered, and saide vnto them, I will also aske of you one question, and answere me, and I will tell you by what authoritie I doe these things.
11:30The baptisme of Iohn, was it from heauen, or of men? Answere me.
11:31And they reasoned with themselues, saying, If we shall say, From heauen, he will say, Why then did ye not beleeue him?
11:32But if we shall say, Of men, they feared the people: for all men counted Iohn, that he was a Prophet indeed.
11:33And they answered and said vnto Iesus, We cannot tell. And Iesus answering, saith vnto them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I doe these things.
King James Bible 1611

King James Bible 1611

The commissioning of the King James Bible took place at a conference at the Hampton Court Palace in London England in 1604. When King James came to the throne he wanted unity and stability in the church and state, but was well aware that the diversity of his constituents had to be considered. There were the Papists who longed for the English church to return to the Roman Catholic fold and the Latin Vulgate. There were Puritans, loyal to the crown but wanting even more distance from Rome. The Puritans used the Geneva Bible which contained footnotes that the king regarded as seditious. The Traditionalists made up of Bishops of the Anglican Church wanted to retain the Bishops Bible.

The king commissioned a new English translation to be made by over fifty scholars representing the Puritans and Traditionalists. They took into consideration: the Tyndale New Testament, the Matthews Bible, the Great Bible and the Geneva Bible. The great revision of the Bible had begun. From 1605 to 1606 the scholars engaged in private research. From 1607 to 1609 the work was assembled. In 1610 the work went to press, and in 1611 the first of the huge (16 inch tall) pulpit folios known today as "The 1611 King James Bible" came off the printing press.