
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


19:1Saul spake to Ionathas hys sonne, and to all hys seruauntes, that they shulde kyll Dauid.
19:2But Ionathas Sauls sonne had a greate fauoure to Dauid, and Ionathas tolde Dauid sayinge: Saul my father goeth aboute to slaye the. Nowe therfore take hede to thy selfe vntyll the mornynge, and abyde in some secret place, and hyde thy selfe.
19:3And I wyll go oute, and stande by my father in the felde where thou art, and wyll comen wyth my father of the, and whatsoeuer I se, I wyll tell the.
19:4And Ionathas spake good of Dauid vnto Saul hys father, and sayde vnto hym: let not the kynge synne agaynst hys seruaunt Dauid, for he hath not synned agaynst the, and hys workes haue bene to the ward very good.
19:5For he dyd put hys lyfe in hys hande, and slue the Philistine, and the Lorde brought to passe a greate health for all Israel. Thou sawest it, and thou reioysedest, wherfore then wilt thou synne against innocent bloude, and slaye Dauid without a cause?
19:6And Saul harkened vnto the voyce of Ionathas, and sware: as truly as the Lorde lyueth, he shall not dye.
19:7And Ionathas called Dauid, and shewed hym all those wordes, & brought Dauid to Saul. And he was in his presens as in tymes past.
19:8And the warre began agayne, and Dauid went out and fought wyth the Philistines, and slue them with a great slaughter, & they fledde from him.
19:9And the euell sprete sent of the Lorde was vpon Saul, as he sat in hys house hauinge a Iauelinge in his hande, and Dauid played with his hande.
19:10And Saul entended to nayle Dauid to the walle with the Iauelynge. But he ryd hym selfe out of Sauls presens, as he smote the speare into the walle. And Dauid fledde & was saued the same nyght.
19:11Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to sleye him in the mornynge. And Michol Dauids wyfe tolde it him, sayinge: If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou wilt be slayne.
19:12And so Michol lett Dauid downe thorowe a wyndowe, and he went, & fled, and was saued.
19:13And then she toke an Image and layed it in the bed, and put a pyllowe stuffed with goates hearre vnder the heed of it, and couered it with a clothe.
19:14And when Saul sent messengers to fetche Dauid, she sayde, he is sycke.
19:15And Saul sent the messengers agayne to se Dauid, sayinge: bringe him to me, bed & all, that I maye slaye him.
19:16And when the messengers were come in: Beholde, there laye an ymage in the bed, with a pyllowe of goates heare vnder the heed of it.
19:17And Saul sayde vnto Michol: why hast thou mocked me so, and sent awaye myne enemy that he is escaped? Michol answered Saul. For he sayde vnto me, let me go, or elles I wyll kyll the.
19:18And so Dauid fledde, and escaped, & came to Samuel to Rama, tolde hym all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went, and dwelt in Naioth.
19:19And one tolde Saul, sayinge: Beholde, Dauid is at Naioth in Rama.
19:20And Saul sent messengers to fett Dauid. And when they sawe a companye of prophetes prophesyenge, & Samuel standynge fast by them, the sprete of God fell vpon the messengers of Saul, and they prophesyed to.
19:21And when it was tolde Saul, he sent other messengers, & they prophesyed lykewyse. And Saul sent messengers yet agayne the thyrde tyme, and they prophesyed also.
19:22Then went he hym selfe to Rama, & came to a great well that is in Sechu, & he asked and sayde: where are Samuel and Dauid? And one sayde: Beholde, they be at Naioth in Rama,
19:23& he went thyther, euen to Naioth in Rama, and the sprete of God came vpon him also, & he went prophesyinge, vntyll he came to Naioth in Rama.
19:24And he stripte of his clothes, & prophesyed before Samuel in lyke maner, and fell naked all that daye & all that nyght. And therof it is, that they saye: is Saul also amonge the prophetes?
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."