
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


28:1And it chaunced in those dayes, that the Philistines geathered their hoost together to warre, to fyght with Israel. And Achis sayde to Dauid: Be sure, thou shalt goo out with me to the battell, thou & the men that are with the.
28:2And Dauid sayde to Achis: then thou shalt know, what thy seruaunt can do. And Achis sayde agayne to Dauid: Then I will make the keper of my heed for euer
28:3Samuel was then deed, & all Israel had lamented hym, & buryed him in Rama his awne cytie. And Saul hat put the wemen that had spretes of prophesye, & the Sothsayers out of the land.
28:4And the Philistines geathered together, & came, & pitched in Sunem. And Saul gathered all Israel togeather, & they pitched in Giboa:
28:5And when Saul saw the hoste of the Philistines, he was afrayed, & his hert was sore astonyed.
28:6And whan Saul asked councell of the Lorde, the Lorde answered him not, nether hy dreames, nor by Urim nor yet by prophetes.
28:7Then sayd Saul vnto his seruauntes seke me a woman that hath a sprete of prophesye, that I maye go to her & aske of her. And hys seruauntes sayde to him: Beholde, there is a woman that hath a sprete of prophesye at Endor.
28:8And Saul chaunged him self, and put on other rayment, & then went he & two men with hym, and they came to the woman by nyght. And he sayde: prophesye vnto me by the sprete, & bring me him vp whom I shall name vnto the.
28:9And the woman sayde vnto hym: Beholde thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath destroyed the wemen that had prophesying spretes, & the Sorcerars out of the lande. Wherfore then sekest thou an occasion agaynst my soule, that he maye kyll me?
28:10And Saul sware to her by the Lorde saying: As suerly as the Lorde lyueth, there shall no harme chaunce the for this thyng.
28:11Then sayd the woman: whom shall I fetche vp vnto the? He answered: Bring me vp Samuel.
28:12When the woman saw Samuel, she cryed wt a lowde voyce, and spake to Saul saying: why hast thou disceaued me? for thou art Saul.
28:13And the kyng sayde vnto her, be not afrayde: What seest thou? The woman sayd vnto Saul. I se goddes ascending vp out of the erth.
28:14He sayde vnto her agayne: what fassion is he of? She answered: there cometh vp an olde man wt a mantell vpon hym. And Saul perceaued that it was Samuel & he stouped wt his face to the grounde, & bowed hym selfe.
28:15And Samuel sayd to Saul: why hast thou vnquieted me, to make me be brought vp? Saul answered: I am sore encombred. For the Philystynes make warre agaynst me, & God is departed from me and answereth me no more, nether by prophetes, nether by dreames. And therfore I haue called the, that thou mayest tell me, what I shall do.
28:16Then sayd Samuel: wherfore doest thou aske of me, whyle the Lorde is gone from the, & is become thyne enemye?
28:17Truly the Lord hath done for hym selfe, euen as he spake by my hand. For the Lorde hath rent the kingdome out of thyne hande, & geuen it thy neyboure Dauid.
28:18Because thou obeyedst not the voyce of the Lord, nor executedst hys fearce wrath vpon the Amaleckites, therfore hath the Lord done this vnto the this daye.
28:19And moreouer, the Lorde wyll delyuer Israel wt the, into the handes of the Philistines. To morowe shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me, and the Lorde shall geue the hoste of Israel into the handes of the Philistines.
28:20Then Saul fell streyght waye flatte on the erth a longe as he was, and was sore adread because of the wordes of Samuel. And there was no strength in hym, for he had eaten no bread all the daye and the nyght before.
28:21And the woman cam vnto Saul, and sawe that he was sore troubled, and sayde vnto hym: Se, thyne handmayd hath obeyed thy voyce, & haue put my soule in my hande, and haue harkened vnto thy wordes, which thou saydest vnto me.
28:22Nowe therfore harken thou also vnto the voyce of thyne handmayd, and let me sett a morsell of bread before the, that thou mayest eate and gett the strength, & then go on thy iourneye.
28:23He refused, and sayde: I wyll not eate. But hys seruauntes & the woman togeather compelled him, and he hearkened vnto theyr voyce. And so he arose from the erth, and sat him on a bedd.
28:24The woman had a fat calfe in the house, and she hasted & kylled it, and toke flowre & kneded it, and dyd bake swete cakes therof,
28:25and brought them before Saul and before his seruauntes. And when they had eaten, they stode vp, and went awaye the same nyght.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."