
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Compares the 1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus with the King James Bible.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

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1 John 3:14

(Click on the Strongs Numbers)

Textus Receptus (Stephanus 1550)

G2249 We ημεις
G1492 know οιδαμεν
G3754 that οτι
G3327 have passed μεταβεβηκαμεν
G1537 from εκ
G3588 the του
G2288 death θανατου
G1519 unto εις
G3588 the την
G2222 life ζωην
G3754 because οτι
G25 love αγαπωμεν
G3588 the τους
G80 brethren αδελφους
G3588 the ο
G3361 not μη
G25 loveth αγαπων
G3588 the τον
G80 his brother αδελφον
G3306 abideth μενει
G1722 in εν
G3588 the τω
G2288 death θανατω

King James Bible (Oxford 1769)

G1492 know
G3754 that
G3327 passed
G1537 from
G2288 death
G1519 unto
G2222 life
G3754 because
G25 love
G80 brethren
G3754 that
G25 loveth
G80 brother
G3306 abideth
G2288 death

Textus Receptus Support:


Greek-English Dictionary

Strongs: G2249
Greek: ἡμεῖς
Transliteration: hēmeis
Pronunciation: hay-mice'
Bible Usage: us we (ourselves).

we (only used when emphatic)

1. us, we etc.

Thayer's Greek–English Lexicon
of the New Testament 1889
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
by James Strong (S.T.D.) (LL.D.) 1890.