
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537



3:1For take hede: in those dayes & at the same tyme, when I turne agayne the captyuyte of Iuda & Ierusalem:
3:2I shal gather al people together, & brynge them in the valleye of Iosaphat: and there wyl I reason with them: because of my people & herytage of Israel, whom they haue scatred aboute in the nacyons, and parted my lande,
3:3yea they haue cast lottes for my people the yonge men haue they set in the bordell house, and solde the Damsels for wine, that they myghte haue to drincke.
3:4Thou Tyrus & Sidon and all ye borders of the Philistines: what haue ye to do with me? Wil ye defye me? wel yf ye wil nedes defye me, I shal recompence you, euen vpon youre head, & that right shortly:
3:5for ye haue taken awaye my syluer and gold, my fayre & goodly Iewels, & brought them into youre goddes houses.
3:6The children also of Iuda and Ierusalem haue ye solde vnto the Grekes, that ye myght brynge them farre from the borders of theyr owne countrees.
3:7Beholde therfore, I wyll rayse them oute of the place, where ye haue solde them, & wyl rewarde you euen vpon youre heade.
3:8Youre sonnes & your doughters wyll I sell thorowe the handes of the chyldren of Iuda, & so they shal geue them forth to sel, vnto them of Saba, a people of a farre countre, for the Lorde hym selfe hath sayde it.
3:9Crye out these thinges among the Gentiles, proclame warre, wake vp the gyauntes, let them drawe nye, let them come vp all the lustye warryours of them.
3:10Make you sweardes of youre plowshares, and speares of youre sycles & sythes. Let the weake man saye: I am stronge.
3:11Mustre you, and come, all ye heathen round about: gather you together, there shall the Lorde laye all thy gyauntes to the grounde.
3:12Let the people aryse, & get them to the valleye of Iosaphat, for there wyll I sit, & iudge all Heathen rounde about.
3:13Laye to youre sythes, for the haruest is rype: come, get you doune: the winepresse is ful, yea the wynepresses runne ouer, for theyr wickednesse is waxen greate.
3:14In the valleye appoynted, there shalbe many, many people: for the daye of the Lorde is nye in the valleye appoynted.
3:15The sunne and mone shalbe darkened, & the starres shal withdrawe theyr light.
3:16The Lorde shal roare oute of Syon, and crye oute of Ierusalem, that the heauens & the earthe shall quake wythal. But the Lorde shalbe a defence vnto his owne people, & a refuge for the chyldren of Israel.
3:17Thus shall ye knowe, that I the Lorde youre God dwell vpon my holy mounte of Syon. Then shall Ierusalem be holy, and there shall no straungers go thorowe her any more.
3:18Then shall the mountaines droppe swete wyne, and the hylles shall flowe with mylcke. All the ryuers of Iuda shall haue water ynough, & out of the Lordes house there shal flowe a spryng to water the broke of Sitim:
3:19but Egipt shalbe layed waste, and Edom shalbe desolate: because they haue dealte so cruelly with the chyldren of Iuda, and shed innocente bloude in theyr lande.
3:20Agayne, Iuda shalbe inhabyted for euermore, and Ierusalem from generacion to generacyon:
3:21for I wil not leaue theyr bloud vnauenged. And the Lorde shal dwel in Syon.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.