
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


2:1Thou therfore my sonne, be stronge in the grace (that is thorow Christ Iesu)
2:2and in the thynges that thou hast hearde of me by many wytnesses. The same commytte thou to faythfull men, which shalbe apte to teach other also.
2:3Thou therfore suffre afflyccyons as a good soudier of Iesu Chryst.
2:4No man that warreth, entanglyth hym selfe wyth worldly busynes, and that because he maye please hym, whych hath chosen hym to be a soudier.
2:5And though a man stryue for a mastery, yet is he not crowned, except he stryue laufully
2:6The husbandman that laboureth, must fyrst receaue of the frutes.
2:7Consyder what I saye. The Lorde geue the vnderstandynge in all thynges.
2:8Remember that Iesus Christ of the sede of Dauid, rose agayne from deeth according to my Gospell,
2:9wherin I suffre trouble as an euyll doar, euen vnto bondes. But the worde of God was not bounde.
2:10Therfore I suffre all thynges, for the electes sakes, that they myght also obtayne the saluacion, which is in Christ Iesu, with eternall glory.
2:11It is a true sayinge for yf we be deed wt hym, we shall also lyue wyth hym.
2:12If we be pacient, we shall also raygne wyth hym. If we denye hym, he also shall denye vs.
2:13If we beleue not, yet abydeth he faythfull. He cannot denye hym selfe.
2:14Of these thinges put them in remembraunce, and testifye before the Lorde, that they folowe no contencyous wordes: which are to no profet, but to the peruertynge of the hearers.
2:15Study to shewe thy selfe laudable vnto God, a workman that nedeth not to be a shamed distributynge the worde of trueth iustly.
2:16As for vngoostly vanyties of voyces, passe thou ouer them. For they wyll encreace vnto greater vngodlynes,
2:17& theyr wordes shall fret euen as doeth the disease of a cancre: of whose nombre is. Hymeneus and Philetus,
2:18whych (as concernynge the trueth) haue erred, sayinge, that the resurreccyon is past all redy, and do destroye the fayth of some.
2:19But the sure grounde of God standeth still, and hath this seale: the Lorde knoweth them that are hys. And let euery man that calleth on the name of Christ, departe from iniquite.
2:20Not wythstandynge in a greate house are not onely vesseles of golde and of syluer: but also of wood and of erthe: some for honoure, and some vnto dyshonoure.
2:21Yf a man therfore pourge him selfe from such men, he shalbe a vessel sanctifyed vnto honoure, mete for the vses of the Lorde, and prepared vnto all good workes.
2:22Lustes of youth auoyde, but folowe ryghtwesnes, fayth, loue and peace, with them that call on the Lorde with a pure herte.
2:23Folysshe and vnlearned questions put from the, knowinge, that they do but gendre stryfe.
2:24The seruaunt of the Lorde must not stryue: but be gentle vnto all men apte to teach, and one that can suffre
2:25the euyll with meaknes, and can informe them that resyst yf that God at eny tyme wyll geue them repentaunce, for to knowe the trueth:
2:26and that they maye come to them selues agayne out of the snare of the deuyll, which are holden captiue of hym at hys wyll.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."