
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


14:1Hym that is weake in the fayth, receaue, not in disputynge and troublynge hys conscience.
14:2One beleueth that he maye eate all thynge. Another whych is weake, eateth earbes.
14:3Let not hym that eateth, despise hym that eateth not. And let not him whych eateth not, iudge him that eateth. For God hath receaued him.
14:4What art thou that iudgest another mannes seruaunt whether he stande or fall that pertayneth vnto hys awne master: ye, he shall be holden vp, that he maye stande. For God is able to make hym stande.
14:5This man putteth difference bitwene daye & daye. Another man counteth all dayes alyke. Let euery mans mynde satisfye him selfe.
14:6He that obserueth the daye, doeth it vnto the Lorde. And he that doth not obserue the daye, doeth it for the Lorde also. He that eateth, doth it to please the Lorde, for he geueth God thankes.
14:7And he that eateth not, eateth not, to please the Lorde withall, and geueth God thankes.
14:8For none of vs lyueth for hym selfe, and no man dyeth for hym selfe. For yf we lyue, we lyue vnto the Lorde. And yf we dye, we dye vnto the Lord. Whether we lyue therfore, or dye, we are the Lordes.
14:9For Christ therfore dyed, and rose agayne, and reuyued, that he myght be Lorde of deed and quycke.
14:10But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Other, why doest thou despise thy brother? We shalbe all brought before the iudgement seate of Christ.
14:11For it is written: as truely as I lyue sayth the Lorde: all knees shall bowe to me, and all tonges shall geue prayse to God.
14:12So shall euery one of vs geue accomptes of hym selfe to God.
14:13Let vs not therfore iudge one another eny more. But iudge thys rather, that no man put a stomblynge blocke, or an occasyon to fall in hys brothers waye.
14:14For I knowe, and am full certifyed by the Lorde Iesus, that ther is nothynge comen of it selfe: but vnto hym that iudgeth it to be comen: to hym is it comen.
14:15If thy brother be greued wyth thy meate, nowe walkest thou not charitablye. Destroye not hym wyth thy meate, for whom Chryst dyed.
14:16Cause not youre treasure to be euyll spoken of.
14:17For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drynke: but ryghtwesnes, and peace and ioye in the holy ghost.
14:18For he that in these thinges serueth Chryst, pleaseth God, and is commended of men.
14:19Let vs therfore folowe those thinges which make for peace, and thynges wherwith one maye edifye another.
14:20Destroye not the worke of God for a lytell meates sake. All thinges are pure: but it is euyll for the man: which eateth wyth hurte of conscience.
14:21It is good nether to eate flesshe, nether to drinke wyne nether eny thynge, wherby thy brother stombleth, ether falleth, or is made weake.
14:22Hast thou fayth? haue it wyth thy selfe before God. Happy is he, that condempneth not hym selfe, in the thynge whych he aloweth.
14:23For he that maketh conscience, is dampned yf he eate: because he eateth not of fayth. For whatsoeuer is not of fayth, that same is synne.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."