
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


12:1The heuy burthen which the Lorde hath deuysed for Israell. Thus sayeth the Lorde which spred the heauens abrode, layde the foundacion of the earth and geueth man the breath of lyfe.
12:2Beholde, I wyll make Ierusalem a cuppe of surfet, vnto all the people that are rounde about her. Yee, Iuda hym selfe also shalbe in the sege agaynst Ierusalem.
12:3At the same tyme wyll I make Ierusalem an heuy stone for al people, so that al soch as lyft it vp, shalbe toarne and rente, and all the people of the earth shalbe gathered together agaynst it.
12:4In that daye, sayeth the Lorde, I wyll make all horses abashed, and those that ryde vpon them, to be out of their wittes. I wyl open myne eyes vpon the house of Iuda, and smyte all the horses of the people with blindnesse.
12:5And the princes of Iuda shall saye in their hertes. The inhabyters of Ierusalem shall geue me consolacion in the Lorde of hostes their God.
12:6In that tyme will I make the princes of Iuda lyke an hote burnynge ouen with wood, and lyke a cresset of fyre among the strawe: so that they shall consume all the people rounde aboute them, both vpon the ryght hande & the left. Ierusalem also shalbe inhabyted agayne: namely, in the same place where Ierusalem standeth.
12:7The Lorde shall preserue the tentes of Iuda lyke as a fore tyme: so that the glory of the house of Dauid: & the glory of the cytesyns of Ierusalem, shalbe but lytle regarded, in comparison of the glory of Iuda.
12:8In that daye shall the Lorde defende the cytesyns of Ierusalem: so that the weakest then amonge them shalbe as Dauid: and the house of Dauid shalbe lyke as Gods house, and as the Aungell of the Lorde before them.
12:9At the same tyme will I go about to destroye all soch people as come against Ierusalem.
12:10Moreouer, vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the cytesyns of Ierusalem will I poure out the sprete of grace & compassion, so that they shall loke vpon me, whom they haue pearsed: & they shal bewepe him as men mourne for their only begotten sonne: yee, & be sory for him, as men are sory for their first chyld.
12:11Then shall there be a great mournyng at Ierusalem, lyke as the lamentacion at Adremnon in the felde of Maggadon.
12:12And the lande shall bewayle euery kinred by them selues. The kinred of the house of Dauid them selues alone, and their wiues by them selues:
12:13The kynred of the house of Nathan them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues. The kynred of the house of Leui them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues. The kynred of the house of Semei them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues.
12:14In lyke maner, all the other generacions euerychone by them selues alone, and their wyues by them selues.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."