
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


11:1Open thy dores, O Libanus, that the fyre maye consume thy Cedre trees.
11:2Howle ye Fyrre trees for the Cedre is fallen, yee, all the proude are wasted awaye. Howle (O ye oke trees of Baasan) for the myghtye stronge wood is cut downe.
11:3Men may heare the shepherdes mourne, for their glorye is destroyed. Men may heare the lyons whelpes roare, for the pryde of Iordane is wasted awaye.
11:4Thus sayeth the Lorde my God: Fede the shepe of the slaughter,
11:5whiche shalbe slayne of those that possesse them: yet they take it for no sinne, but they that sell them, saye: The Lord be thancked, I am rich: yee, their awne shepherdes spare them not.
11:6Therfore wyll I nomore spare those that dwell in the lande, (sayeth the Lorde) but lo, I wil deliuer the people, euery man into his neyghbours hande and into the hande of his kynge: that they maye smyte the lande, and out of their handes I wyll not delyuer them.
11:7I my selfe fedde the slaughter shepe (a poore flocke verely) and toke vnto me two staues: the one is called louyng mekenesse, the other is called destroyer, and so kepte the shepe.
11:8Thre shepherdes I putt out of offyce in one moneth, for I myght not awaye wyth them, nether had they eny delyte in me.
11:9Then sayde I: I wyll fede you nomore the thynge that dyeth, let it dye: and that wyll perysh, let it perish, and let the remnaunt eate, euery one the fleshe of his neyghboure.
11:10I toke also my louynge meke staff, and brake it, that I myght disanull the couenaunt, which I made wyth all people.
11:11And so it was broken in that daye. Then the poore symple shepe that had a respect vnto me, knewe therby, that it was the worde of the Lorde.
11:12And I sayde vnto them: yf ye thinck it good, bring hyther my pryce: yf no, then leaue. So they wayed downe .xxx. syluer pens, the value that I was prysed at.
11:13And the Lorde said vnto me: cast it vnto the potter (a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them) and I toke the .xxx. syluer pens, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lorde.
11:14Then brake I my other staf also (namely destroyer) that I might lowse the brotherhead betwixt Iuda and Israel.
11:15And the Lorde sayde vnto me. Take the also the staff of a foolysh shepherde:
11:16for lo, I wyl rayse vp a shepherde in the lande, which shal not seke after the thinges that be lost, ner care for such as go astraye: he shal not heale the wounded, he shall not norysh the thinge that is whole: but he shal eate the flesh of soch as be fat, and teare theyr clawes in peces.
11:17O Idols shepherde, that leaueth the flocke. The swerde shall come vpon hys arme and vpon hys ryght eye. Hys arme shalbe cleane dryed vp, and hys ryght eye shalbe sore blynded.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."