
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


2:1Examyne youre selues & serche O thou Nacyon that hast no desire to the law
2:2or the thing go forth that God hath concluded, & or the tyme come wherin man shall passe awaye as the dust: or the fearfull wrath of the Lord come vpon you:
2:3yee, or the daye of the Lordes sore displeasure come vpon you. Seke the Lord all yee meke harted vpon earth, ye that worcke after his iudgement: seke ryghteousnesse, seke lowlynesse: that ye maye be defended in the wrothful daye of the Lord:
2:4For Gaza shal be destroyed, and Ascalon shall be layed waste. They shall cast out Asdod at the noone daye, and Accaron shalbe pluckte vp by the rotes
2:5Wo vnto you that dwell vpon the see coost ye murtherous people: the worde of the Lord shal come vpon you. O Canaan thou lande of the Philistines, I will destroye the, so that there shall no man dwell in the eny more,
2:6& as for the see coast, it shall be heardemens cotages & shepe foldes:
2:7yee, it shalbe a porcion for soch as remayne of the house of Iuda, to fede ther vpon. In the houses of Ascalon shall they rest towarde nyght: for the Lord their God shal vyset them, & turne awaye their captiuite.
2:8I haue herde the despite of Moab, & the blasphemyes of the children of Ammon how they haue shamefully intreated my people, & magnified them selues within the borders of their lande.
2:9Therfore, as truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel) Moab shalbe as Sodome & Ammon as Gomorra: euen drie thorne hedges, salt pittes & a perpetuall wyldernes. The resydue of my folcke shal spoyle them, the remnaunt of my people shal haue them in possession.
2:10This shall happen vnto them for their pryde, because they haue dealte so shamefully with the Lorde of hostes people, & magnified them selues aboue them.
2:11The Lord shall be grymme vpon them, & destroye all the goddes in the lande. And all the Iles of the Heathen shall worshippe him, euery man in his place.
2:12Ye Moryans also shall perish wt my swerde:
2:13yee, he shall stretch out his hande ouer the north, and destroye Assur. As for Niniue, he shall make it desolate, drye & waste.
2:14The flockes & all the beastes of the people shall lye in the middest of it, pellicanes & storckes shal abyde in the vpper postes of it, foules shall synge in the wyndowes, & rauens shall sytt vpon the balckes, for the boordes of Cedre shalbe ryuen downe.
2:15This is the proude and carelesse citye, that sayde in her herte. I am, and there is els none. O how is she made so waste, that the beastes lye therin? Who so goeth by, mocketh her, and poynteth at her with his fynger.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."