
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


7:1Wo is me: I am become as one, that goeth a gleanynge in the haruest, There are no mo grapes to eate, yet wold I fayne (wyth all my herte) haue of the best frute.
7:2There is not a godly man vpon earth, there is not one rightuous amonge men. They laboure all to shed bloud, and euery man hunteth his brother to death:
7:3yet they saye they do well when they do euel. As the prince will, so sayeth the iudge: that he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate man speaketh what his herte desireth: & the hearers alowe him.
7:4The best of them is but as a thistle, & the most rightuous of them is but as a breer in the hedge. But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, that thou shalt be visyted: then shall they be wasted awaye.
7:5Let no man beleue his frende, ner put hys confydence in a brother. Kepe the porte of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome:
7:6for the sonne shal put his father to dyshonoure, the daughter shall rise agaynst her mother, the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe: and a mans foes shalbe euen they of hys awne housholde.
7:7Neuerthelesse, I will loke vp vnto the Lord I wyll paciently abyde God my sauyoure: my God shal heare me.
7:8O thou enemye of myne, reioyce not at my fall, for I shall get vp agayne: & though I sytt in darcknesse, yet the Lorde is my lyght.
7:9I wyll beare the punishement of the Lord (for why, I haue offended him) tyll he syt in iudgement vpon my cause, & se that I haue right. He wyll bryng me forth to the lyght, & I shall se his rightuousnesse.
7:10She that is myne enemy shal loke vpon it, & be confounded, which now saieth. Where is thy Lord God? Myne eyes shall beholde her, when she shalbe troden downe, as the claye in the stretes.
7:11The tyme will come, that thy gappes shal be made vp, & the lawe shal go abrode:
7:12& at that tyme shal they come vnto the from Assur vnto the stronge cityes, & from the stronge cityes vnto the ryuer: from the one see to the other, from the one mountayne to the other.
7:13Notwythstandynge, the land must be wasted, because of them that dwell therin, and for the frutes of their awne Imaginacions.
7:14Therfore fede thy people with thy rodde, the flocke of thine heritage which dwel desolate in the wodde: that they maye be fedde vpon the mount of Charmell, Basan & Galaad as afore time.
7:15Maruelous thinges wil I shewe them, lyke as when they came oute of Egipte
7:16Thys shall the Heathen se, and be ashamed for all their power, so that they shall laye their hande vpon their mouth, and stoppe their eares.
7:17They shal lycke the dust lyke a serpent, & as the wormes of the earth, that tremble in their holes. They shalbe afrayed of the Lord oure God, & they shall feare the.
7:18Where is there soch a God as thou? that pardonest wyckednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne herytage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer: and why? his delite is to haue compassion:
7:19he shal turne agayne, and be mercyfull to vs: he shal put downe oure wyckednesses, and cast all oure synnes into the botome of the see.
7:20Thou shalt kepe thy trust with Iacob, & thy mercy for Abraham, lyke as thou hast sworne vnto oure fathers longe agoo.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."